Everything You Need To Know About Kissing

According to historians, the kiss has its origins in 2500 BC This fact has been confirmed by stories from certain primitive tribes in India. But is there anyone who really knows how to kiss correctly?
Everything you need to know about kissing

How would you rate your performance when it comes to kissing? Do you know everything you need to know about kissing? Kissing is not just a touch. It uses 34 facial muscles, as well as 134 muscles from other regions of the body. There is even a branch of science that studies this phenomenon, called philatology. His goal is to study people’s response to kissing.

Regardless of gender, each of us goes through moments of anxiety and emotion before kissing another person. You worry about how you’re going to handle it, you doubt you know how to kiss and you’re thinking about other things. For example, will you use your tongue excessively? Would it be better to bite your partner’s lip? How much saliva is optimal? You certainly don’t want kissing to be a negative experience.

What happens when you kiss someone?

During a kiss, the sense of taste, touch and smell are activated. As a result, both partners experience an emotional and chemical reaction. In addition, certain substances found in saliva are released. Three hormones are responsible for the sensation of euphoria after a kiss: oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins.

But just because you feel comfortable kissing someone doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing it right. A mental connection and physical attraction are needed to experience that intense sensation of shock, which specialists have compared to an overdose of amphetamine. Read on to find out everything you need to know about kissing so that you can surprise your partner the next time you are together.

Physical and mental communication

Woman who knows everything you need to know about kissing

You look at a person who attracts you in a subjective way. This attraction allows you to want to be with that individual and keeps your interest. So, if you focus only on your physical appearance, at some point you will get bored of kissing.

The secret is that the person attracts you mentally — you like how they behave and think. You love talking to him or her, laughing together and touching on all sorts of topics. When you fall in love with someone’s mind, due to the strong emotional connection that is formed between you, you will never get tired of kissing this person.

Right place

Many of us feel comfortable making intimate gestures only in private places. They give us the opportunity to get closer to our partner. Remember, kissing is an art and to create the right atmosphere, you need inspiration. Thus, we establish a special form of communication. Our emotions are strengthened because they exist only between us and our partner. When no one else sees you, it’s very easy to get carried away.

Choose the right time

A man who knows everything you need to know about kissing

It’s not just about proximity, it’s also about how it’s done. It is also essential to consider eye contact. When your eyes meet, try to understand the “meaning” behind the gesture and pay attention to the body language of the other.

Seduction must occur before the kiss. Is now the right time? If your partner does the following, it means he is ready: he is trying to touch you, his breathing has accelerated, he is watching you to see if you are paying attention. Remember: did he moisten his lips? This is the natural answer when we have emotions or are insecure and may indicate that he or she wants to kiss you.

But be careful! Maybe his body language tells you he doesn’t want to be kissed. If he stays away from you when you are around or crosses his arms, it is best not to invade his personal space.

Do not rush

Follow the bread crumbs until you find your partner. Before you touch her lips, be tender and don’t rush. You can start by gently kissing her collarbone, neck or ear and whispering sweetness. Be careful not to use your tongue excessively and not to have too much saliva.

As soon as you reach his lips, try some short kisses. Only after you have done this can you open your mouth and increase the intensity.

Be careful

Couple learning everything you need to know about kissing

Why do people kiss? Because we want to feel good with our partner, and this activity allows us to get to know him better, to understand his preferences and dislikes.

It is important to analyze the details and pay attention to the other’s emotions.

After evaluating the situation, try to figure out if you really know everything you need to know about kissing. Also, don’t forget certain gestures. Now is the ideal time to touch her hair, to caress her back, to use your fingertips to touch her face. When you become an expert in kissing, you can unleash your creativity.

The benefits if you remember everything you need to know about kissing

  • Kissing fights stress
  • Improve the appearance of the skin
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Stimulates calorie burning
  • It is a natural treatment for depression
  • Last but not least, the kiss reduces the intensity of the pain

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