Feeding Your Baby With Fruit Puree: Benefits

Breast milk is important for babies, but foods such as fruit puree give them extra nutrients. We will show you how to prepare them, so be ready to prepare your little one a delicious fruit puree!
Feeding your baby with fruit puree: benefits

Breast milk is your baby’s main menu and should not be replaced with anything. But today we will discuss feeding the baby fruit puree as a method of supplementation with vitamins and minerals necessary for the harmonious development of the child.

Feeding your baby with fruit puree: benefits

Fruits are on the second place of the food pyramid, along with vegetables, because they are indispensable for optimal health. One of the main reasons for feeding your baby fruit puree is its water content: up to 95%.

In addition, fruits contain vegetable fiber that helps regulate the baby’s intestinal transit. The transit of a breastfed baby can vary greatly. It can change as the baby grows. Although all fruits offer close nutritional values, some of them can make the little one’s stool harder or softer.

Fruits also contain vitamins, minerals and simple carbohydrates, without any fat. Your child will have more energy if you choose to include fruit in his diet. He will also get used to healthy food choices and will learn to refuse foods high in fat and sugar.

Fruit purees are rich in antioxidants and micronutrients that prevent diseases such as obesity, constipation, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Include fruit puree in your baby’s diet

Feeding the baby with fresh fruit puree

At first, give your baby small portions of fruit puree. This will help him get used to his taste and eat it with milk. It is important to remember that feeding your baby fruit puree does not replace breastfeeding.

In fact, fruit purees should be complementary to breastfeeding. As your baby accepts and tolerates purees well, you can easily increase the amount you give him.

Fruits for babies according to their age

Even though your baby may be consuming fruit purees from the age of 6 months, some are more recommended than others because of the risk of allergies. That is why you should gradually give your child fruit purees.

This will help you determine your child’s tolerance. Wait three days before offering a new type of fruit puree. Below you will find a list of fruits that you can offer to your child according to his age.

At 6 months

  • Melon
  • Grapes (without seeds or seeds)
  • Plums
  • pears
  • apples
  • Kiwi
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Mango

After 6 months

Some doctors recommend the introduction of citrus fruits, such as oranges and mandarins, after the age of 6 months. But others suggest waiting until after the age of 12 months due to possible allergic reactions.

At 12 months

Feeding the baby with fruit puree

The most recommended fruits for 12-month-old babies are pears, apricots and loquat.

After 12 months

Some pediatricians recommend the inclusion of berries in the diet after the age of 1 year. But others recommend waiting until the age of 15 months to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

After 24 months

Dried fruits can be introduced into the child’s diet after the age of 2 years.

Preparation of fruit puree

  • Be careful to choose fruits that are as ripe as possible. Avoid buying unripe fruit.
  • Wash them well.
  • Peel a squash, grate it and cut it into small pieces.
  • Steam the fruits or boil them.
  • When they are ready, process them in a blender until all the lumps disappear.
  • Avoid adding sugar. Puree has enough sugars thanks to ripe fruit. It is not good to accustom your child to the taste of sugar, as this can lead to obesity in the future.
  • You can combine certain fruits so that the baby tastes different flavors.

Feeding the baby fruit puree

Recipe 1: mango and apple puree

Feeding the baby with exotic fruit puree


  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 1 cup peeled and sliced ​​apples

Method of preparation

  • Put half a cup of water in a steamer.
  • Steam apples and mangoes until soft.
  • Put the mixture in a blender and beat everything until it becomes a fine paste.
  • Take the puree out on a plate and let it cool well before giving it to the child.

Recipe 2: banana, pear and apple puree


  • 1/4 apple
  • It seems, according to preferences
  • 1/4 banana
  • Half a glass of water

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
  • In a deep frying pan, put water and boil pear and apple for 15 minutes. Then take the pan off the heat.
  • Put the banana and apple in a bowl and cook.
  • Add half a glass of water and crush the fruit until all the lumps disappear.

If the pediatrician agrees, add half a cup of cereal to enrich the little one’s menu with carbohydrates. Try feeding your baby fruit puree and you will notice an improvement in his digestion.

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