Fight Fluid Retention By Consuming Cucumber Water!

Cucumber water has diuretic properties and fights fluid retention, one of the main causes of weight gain. 
Fight fluid retention by consuming cucumber water!

It often happens that blood fluids get into the tissues. The lymphatic system is a network of tubes that extends throughout the body, whose role is to drain fluids (also called lymph) from the tissues and pour them back into the bloodstream. Fluid retention (edema) is caused by those fluids that are not successfully removed from the tissues. You can combat fluid retention by using cucumber water.

There are two major types of edema: generalized edema (when inflammation affects the whole body) and localized edema (when only a certain region is affected).

The causes of edema are various, including our body’s reactions to heat, high salt intake and the secretion of hormones associated with menstruation. We recommend that you consult your doctor and do not treat yourself. Edema can be a symptom of very serious diseases, such as heart, kidney or liver disease.

Symptoms of fluid retention

Combats fluid retention, which has the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the affected areas
  • Inflammation of the legs, ankles and hands
  • Pain in the affected areas
  • Joint stiffness
  • Sudden weight gain (in a few days or weeks)
  • Unexplained weight fluctuations
  • Unevenness of the skin that persists for a few seconds after pressing it with your fingers
  • Bleeding of the skin

How to combat fluid retention with cucumber water

Fights fluid retention by consuming water with cucumber

Due to the fact that a cucumber contains only 45 calories (including peel), a glass of water with a slice of cucumber is a great substitute for soft drinks and energy drinks. In this way you reduce your daily energy intake by about 150 calories.

As soon as the cucumber slice touches the water, its nutrients begin to mix with this liquid. Cucumbers contain few calories, but are very rich in water, which makes them a useful tool in combating fluid retention. Use cucumbers as the main ingredient to flavor your water, and to combat fluid retention in the body.

Cucumber water also has diuretic properties, which means that it can prevent fluid retention, one of the main causes of weight gain. Cucumbers also contain vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system and provides protection against cardiovascular disease, prenatal problems, eye problems and even wrinkles.

Fights fluid retention with cucumber

The benefits of cucumbers for digestion

In addition, cucumbers also contain vitamin K. It helps the blood to clot and strengthens your bones. Cucumbers also contain vitamin A, which is important for improving your eyesight, strengthening your immune system and helping your cells grow; potassium that lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure; iron that helps oxygenate cells; calcium that helps your bones grow, and more.

Of course, getting these benefits depends on how many slices of cucumber you put in that glass of water. The more you put in, the more nutrients you will get. To combat fluid retention effectively, it is best to use a long cucumber every two liters of water — the amount of water we advise you to drink daily.

Water is a reliable ally if you want to eliminate toxins from your body. In addition, cucumber water is very rich in fiber, beneficial elements for digestion and which reduce appetite, so you do not feel the need to overeat. Better digestion can also help with weight loss.

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