Fight Hair Loss With Brewer’s Yeast

You can enjoy the benefits of brewer’s yeast either by administering it as a dietary supplement or by local application, as it contains many proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Fights hair loss with brewer's yeast

Hair loss is one of the most common problems of hair adornment, being caused by weakening hair follicles, poor oxygenation and certain nutritional deficiencies. We present you two treatments based on a powerful natural ingredient that fights hair loss in a safe and economical way.

Most people who face this problem consider that it affects their appearance, which is why they look for various methods to stimulate the natural growth of hair.

Fortunately, there are many treatments designed to combat hair loss and improve scalp health, stimulating the rapid growth of hair adornment.

Commercial products that prevent hair loss are widely used, but they can be very expensive and do not always provide the desired results.

What is this natural ingredient?

We are talking here about brewer’s yeast, a product resulting from the fermentation of gluten in the composition of barley.

This supplement has been used since antiquity as an ingredient in biscuit, cake and other white flour recipes.

In recent years, it has been discovered that brewer’s yeast is also useful as a beauty treatment, making its nutritional value an ideal option for nourishing the skin, hair and nails.

Why use brewer’s yeast to combat hair loss?

Brewer's yeast fights hair loss

This product is used more and more often for the care of hair ornaments, because it is beneficial for any type of hair, dry, greasy or normal.

The brewery contains important concentrations of vitamins, minerals and proteins that, applied topically or ingested, strengthen hair follicles, which combats hair loss and stimulates its growth.

The main nutrients in brewer’s yeast that contribute to hair health are:

  • Vitamin B
  • Folic acid
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • thiamin
  • Pyroxine
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Chromium
  • Iron

These active ingredients give your hair the vitality, shine and strength it needs to grow smoothly. Want to know how? Try the following treatments.

Mask that fights hair loss

A brewer's yeast mask fights hair loss

Its high content of vitamin B, protein and essential amino acids turns brewer’s yeast into a perfect natural treatment for combating hair loss.

These nutrients stimulate cell development and the production of keratin, a fibrous protein that plays an important role in hair health.


  • 5 tablespoons brewer’s yeast
  • ½ tablespoon of olive oil
  • Mineral water


  • Mix the brewer’s yeast with the olive oil, then add the water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply it on dry hair and cover your head with a shower cap. Let it work for at least an hour.
  • Rinse your hair normally, then let it dry on its own.

Green smoothie with brewer’s yeast

You can also take advantage of the natural properties of this ingredient by ingesting it, especially if you combine it with other healthy foods.

In this green smoothie, the benefits of avocado fruit and spinach are added to the brewer’s yeast, both of which are excellent sources of protein and healthy fats.


Spinach nutrients fight hair loss
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 tablet of brewer’s yeast
  • 1 tablespoon spirulina
  • Honey


An avocado smoothie fights hair loss
  • Step no. 1: Cut the spinach leaves.
  • Step no. 2: Peel the avocado and remove the seeds.
  • Step no. 3: Cut the avocado into cubes.
  • Step no. 4: Crush the brewer’s yeast tablet.
A green smoothie fights hair loss
  • Step no. 5:  Process all ingredients in blender.
  • Step no. 6: Add the spoon of spirulina.
  • Step no. 7: Mix all ingredients well.
  • Step no. 8: Sprinkle with honey before serving.

Drink this smoothie on an empty stomach to get the most out of it.

For best results, consume this smoothie at least 3 times a week.

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