Fights Intestinal Parasites With Flax Seeds

The advantage of consuming flax seeds and cloves to eliminate intestinal parasites is that, being natural ingredients, they do not alter the pH level of the intestinal flora.
Fights intestinal parasites with flax seeds

Intestinal parasites, known in colloquial language as “worms”, are organisms that cause various serious symptoms when they manage to infest the intestine. In today’s article we reveal a remedy that fights intestinal parasites, prepared with flax seeds and cloves. First, find out more about this condition.

Worms can be of the protozoan type , such as Giardia, or of the helminth type, such as tapeworm. Worms enter the body by consuming contaminated food or liquids.

The main risk factor is exposure to environments that do not have adequate sanitation. However, the infestation can also be caused by improper handling of food or by contact with an element contaminated by a sick person. The level of severity may vary depending on the reaction of the immune system, which is different for each of us. Despite this, it is important to pay attention to this condition from the initial stages, as there is a constant risk of aggravation of the situation.

Fortunately, in addition to drug treatments, you can use 100% natural remedies that help you get rid of these worms easily. Among them we find a treatment with flax seeds and cloves, ingredients known for its ability to clean the intestinal tract without altering the bacterial flora.

Remedy with flax seeds and cloves that fight intestinal parasites

The combination of flax seeds and cloves is a natural remedy that helps restore the health of the intestines, minimizing the negative impact produced by parasitic infections.

Both ingredients destroy these microorganisms and alter the environment necessary for their development. Unlike other remedies against intestinal parasites, these ingredients do not alter the pH of the intestinal flora, but help to strengthen it to facilitate the fight against infections.

The effectiveness of cloves against intestinal parasites

Fights intestinal parasites by eating cloves

Cloves have antiparasitic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the destruction of a wide variety of microorganisms that spread in the digestive system.

  • Cloves effectively eliminate intestinal parasites, as their essential oils manage to stop their growth.
  • This ingredient prevents parasites from contaminating the blood with toxins, which can cause other health problems.
  • Cloves reduce intestinal wall irritation and inflammation and relieve recurrent abdominal pain.

The effectiveness of flax seeds against intestinal parasites

Fights intestinal parasites with flax seeds

Known for its rich content of fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytochemicals, flax seeds are an effective remedy against a wide variety of digestive problems.

  • Flax seeds contain a significant amount of soluble fiber, a substance that turns into a kind of gelatin that traps toxins and facilitates their elimination. For this reason, flax fights intestinal parasites effectively.
  • These seeds also contain insoluble fiber, necessary for the elimination of residues that accumulate in the colon.
  • Flax seeds have a mild laxative effect that fights slow intestinal transit and relieves constipation.
  • They strengthen the immune system and increase the presence of antibodies that help fight infections.
  • They have antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory effects, which restore the health of the digestive system following infestation with these organisms.
  • It takes care of the intestinal flora, prevents its imbalance.

How to prepare this remedy with flax seeds and cloves?

Remedy with flax seeds and cloves that fight intestinal parasites

The remedy with flax seeds and cloves is effective in combating intestinal parasites. Regular consumption is also recommended as a preventative measure.


  • One and a half tablespoons cloves (20 g)
  • 100 g of flax seeds

Method of preparation

  • Crush the cloves in a mortar until you get a powder.
  • Crush the flax seeds and mix them with the clove powder.

Consumption mode

  • Add a few tablespoons of the mixture to a cup of warm water and consume the remedy between meals.
  • Repeat consumption for 3 consecutive days, take a break for 3 days, then resume consumption.
  • You can add the drink obtained in the breakfast shake or in fruit juice.

How do I know if I have intestinal parasites?

Fights intestinal parasites that are manifested by abdominal pain

Some parasitic infections occur in less severe forms and do not cause severe symptoms. However, once the symptoms worsen, they can trigger a series of reactions that indicate the development of parasites in the body.

Symptoms may include:

  • Diarrheal episodes, changes in stool color and texture
  • Appetite changes, weight loss for no particular reason
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Feeling tired, insomnia and irritable
  • Inflammation and abdominal pain
  • Dry cough
  • Itching in the anal or genital area
  • Nausea and vomiting

If these symptoms become more severe with each passing day, it is essential to consult a specialist immediately to combat intestinal parasites with drug treatment.

With regard to the prevention of intestinal parasites, it is sufficient to apply more stringent hygiene measures, in particular when handling food and objects in common use.

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