Guava Juice – 13 Incredible Benefits

Have you ever drunk guava juice? In addition to being delicious, this tropical fruit is very beneficial for health. Read on and remember!
Guava juice - 13 incredible benefits

Guava is one of the most nutrient-rich fruits. Among other things, it provides phosphorus, niacin, potassium, vitamins A and B, calcium and folic acid. The benefits that guava juice provides us are too numerous to list in one paragraph.

There are over 100 varieties of guava, including yellow, red and white. In general, this fruit is eaten whole, but in today’s article we want to talk about the benefits you can enjoy if you drink guava juice.

13 incredible benefits of guava juice

1. Fights mouth pain

Although it seems hard to believe, guava juice can relieve the pain associated with diseases such as stomatitis and gum inflammation.

  • Don’t forget to brush your teeth well after drinking this drink. It contains natural sugars that can accelerate tooth decay.

2. Reduces inflammation caused by acne

Guava juice contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic compounds ideal for treating severe cases of acne.

  • For best results, apply guava juice directly to the skin. As soon as it dries, rinse with water.

Make sure the juice you use is completely natural. Additives in commercial juices can have a negative effect on the skin.

3. Calms the stomach

Guava juice calms the stomach

Guava can cure two extreme intestinal problems: diarrhea and constipation.

  • Due to its excellent fiber content, a small glass of guava juice can activate and stabilize the digestive system.

4. Stimulates weight loss

Regular consumption of guava juice stimulates fast and effective weight loss.

  • Because it contains dietary fiber, guava juice facilitates the elimination of toxins and fats.
  • At the same time, it supplies the cells with a large amount of energy.

5. Keep diabetes under control

Guava juice has the ability to regulate blood sugar. This benefit is due to the fact that guava stimulates insulin production.

Before preparing the juice, remove the peel of the fruit. Use the leaves and the fruit itself, but do not add processed sugars. Do not consume excess guava juice, because, although it regulates blood sugar, it supplies the body with sugars.

6. Fight cancer

Guava juice fights cancer

Guava has a high lycopene content. This powerful antioxidant fights free radicals in the body and reduces the chances of activating cancer cells.

7. Fights respiratory diseases

Consumption of guava juice protects us from diseases that can wreak havoc in winter or during rainy periods, such as colds and flu.

  • This benefit is due to the high content of vitamin C in the fruit, which strengthens the immune system.

8. Helps skin be radiant

Guava juice has high amounts of vitamin A, B and E, as well as potassium. These nutrients supply the body with antioxidants that protect the skin and help it look healthy, fresh, free of imperfections and toned.

  • Drink guava juice regularly to look young and avoid premature aging.

9. Prevents anemia

Guava juice prevents anemia

Due to its iron content, guava juice is useful in combating anemia. Do not hesitate to consume this drink if you feel weak or have been diagnosed with anemia.

10. Supports the circulatory system

When you drink guava juice, you protect your circulatory system from all points of view. This drink:

  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Keeps cholesterol under control
  • Keeps arteries and veins free of fat
  • Prevents the onset of heart disease

11. Protects the health of the nervous system

It is very important to have a healthy nervous system. Being rich in magnesium, guava juice can help you keep this body component in optimal condition. We advise you to serve a small glass of this drink when your nervous system is having difficulties.

12. Stimulates the immune system

When you drink its juice, guava strengthens your immune system. This fruit increases the number of white blood cells and promotes the production of enzymes that repair cells.

13. It helps you have a healthy brain

Guava juice helps you have a healthy brain

The significant content of vitamin B6 and niacin of guava fruit supports a better functioning of the brain, promoting adequate blood flow, which stimulates cognitive function.

A few precautions before drinking guava juice

We could spend an entire day discussing why it is good to include guava juice in our daily diet. But don’t forget that it’s not good to overdo it. Here are some tips to help you eat guava juice properly:

  • Do not buy canned or bottled guava juice. The preservatives in these products neutralize the medicinal properties of the fruit.
  • Avoid adding refined sugars when making guava juice at home. Otherwise, the benefits they provide to the body will be reduced.
  • Do not combine guava with a large number of other fruits. Ideally, try to drink pure guava juice. If you combine it with other fruits, you increase the sugar content of the drink and you risk raising your blood sugar.

Guava juice is a very healthy drink. Include it in your daily diet and follow the tips presented in this article.

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