Habits That Cause Premature Wrinkles

To get the best results in the fight against premature wrinkles, avoid the foods and habits listed below.
Habits that cause premature wrinkles

Although wrinkles are generally known to be a consequence of aging, recent studies have shown that the appearance of these wrinkles and “grooves” on the skin, especially on the face, can be caused by factors other than the passage of time. Certain unhealthy foods and habits cause premature wrinkles, which become a real “nightmare” for women.

One thing that is known about premature wrinkles is that they are indeed a result of the aging process. But it is wrong to believe that it only begins to manifest when we have reached a certain age.

We can deal with premature aging. As time goes on, cell division slows down, and the skin loses its elasticity, hydrogen and natural hydration, which is why the terrible “wrinkles” appear.

Types of wrinkles

Wrinkles can be divided into three main groups, depending on their origin, appearance and depth:

  • Wrinkles caused by gravity. They occur as a result of the action of gravitational force on the skin, which causes it to sag. The level of resistance of each person to this action is determined by the genetic construction, skin type and skin care. One of the most common places where this type of wrinkles occurs is around the corners of the mouth, leading to lowering of the lips.
Causes that cause premature wrinkles
  • Dynamic wrinkles : These wrinkles are caused by the movement of facial muscles – those that are used when we smile, talk, smoke, etc. Movement patterns can lead to the formation of several types of wrinkles for each person. For example, if you are used to drinking certain liquids with a straw, then specific wrinkles will appear each time you speak. They will become more and more visible as the skin loses its elasticity and collagen. Wrinkles above the lips, on the forehead or at the end of the eyes are the most well-known dynamic wrinkles.
  • Wrinkles of mixed origin : These are caused by the combination of the two factors presented above: gravity and movement. These wrinkles appear, for example, in the neck area, where the skin is left as a result of the action of gravitational force, and wrinkles appear as a result of repeated gestures of nodding.

What are the habits that cause premature wrinkles?

Although wrinkles generally appear over time, some people experience this problem at a younger age. The reason? A series of unhealthy habits that cause premature wrinkles on the face. These are:

  • Alcohol consumption : A person who drinks every day or throughout the weekend will lose two years of the “life” of his skin.
  • A sedentary lifestyle : It turned out that lack of movement leads to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Insomnia : Lack of sleep is related to premature aging of the skin, as sleep stimulates the production of a hormone that helps cell renewal.
Facial expressions that cause premature wrinkles
  • Prolonged sun exposure : leads to wrinkles and blemishes, as well as hardening of the skin, increasing the risk of developing skin cancer.
  • Smoking : This is a harmful habit for several reasons. As for wrinkles, nicotine is harmful because it does not allow the skin to “breathe”. Moreover, facial movements made during smoking lead to wrinkles around the mouth, especially in the upper lip area.
  • Stress : The effects of stress on the skin are similar to those specific to insomnia. Nervousness and tension have negative consequences such as aging skin, wrinkles, white hair and alopecia.
  • Skipping breakfast : This is a common mistake in contemporary society. Many people do not serve breakfast properly because they do not have time or simply have not formed this habit. But the first meal of the day is very important, especially if we choose to eat healthy foods for a balanced diet.
Premature wrinkles in the eyes

Other habits that cause premature wrinkles

  • Negative Attitude : People who have certain resentments or negative feelings experience more intense activity in the nervous system. This leads to poorer quality of sleep and, in this way, to the deterioration of the appearance of the skin.
  • Sweets : A high-sugar diet not only leads to weight gain and obesity, but also increases the risk of diabetes. Sweets cause premature wrinkles on your face.
  • Diseases: Certain medical conditions can cause premature wrinkles, either as a result of the disease itself or the administration of certain medications. Sometimes it is very difficult to maintain a balance in the body.
  • Sudden weight loss : Overweight people who lose weight very quickly can look much “older” than they are. Subcutaneous fat fills wrinkles caused by wrinkles and makes the skin look smoother. When you lose weight, the situation changes radically.
Woman applying a wrinkle cream

Foods that cause premature wrinkles

The biggest enemy of young and beautiful skin is sugar. We do not refer only to desserts, chocolate or sweets, but to all foods that cause “glycosylation” or the reaction between carbohydrates, proteins and fats at high temperatures.

Avoid marinated meat, do not eat fried foods such as fish or potatoes. Reduce the consumption of food prepared at very high temperatures (cook on low or medium heat). Do not drink too much water or other liquids during meals.

In contrast, higher consumption of fruits and vegetables instead of sugary products can be very beneficial, as it helps eliminate free radicals. These foods are rich in antioxidants, are very tasty and do not make you fat. If you put them in your diet, they will help you prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles naturally and will give your skin a rejuvenated look.

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