Hair Thicker And Longer In Just 10 Days

To stimulate circulation and eliminate toxins, comb your hair daily from roots to tips and massage your scalp.
Hair thicker and longer in just 10 days

Hair loss is usually considered an aesthetic issue. Most people who experience such massive hair loss are looking for solutions to make it grow again, as more frequent and healthy hair is synonymous with beauty and health.

There are various treatments for hair growth, but it is not necessary to invest large sums of money to regain its beauty.

If you want to have healthy looking hair in just 10 days, take a look at the tips below that help you regain and strengthen your hair adornment through natural methods.

Tips for more frequent and longer hair in just 10 days

Eat healthy foods

Hair salmon more often

During this 10-day treatment, it is essential to eat foods rich in iron, protein, vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. These nutrients are beneficial for the hair and prevent it from falling out.

Your daily diet during this treatment should include:

  • 10 servings of vegetables
  • 2-4 servings of fruit
  • 4-5 servings of beans and dairy products or 2-3 servings of lean meat.

Include these ingredients in your daily menu without eating the same thing every day.

Stimulate your scalp

Scalp stimulation is essential for hair growth.

  • Use a soft brush to stimulate your scalp in the morning and evening.
  • Massage the scalp with your fingers to stimulate circulation and eliminate toxins. You can also use a little olive or coconut oil.

Cut off your tips

Hair more often without split ends

If your hair looks dull, dry and lifeless, you need to cut it a little or at least shorten its ends.

  • In this way, you stimulate oxygenation and, implicitly, the growth of healthy hair. 
  • If you do not want to cut your tips, you can use certain essential oils or other natural products to regenerate them. Coconut, almond or olive oils are great for repairing split ends.


A meditation session of just a few minutes a day can work wonders for your health and beauty.

Meditation reduces stress and slows down hair loss caused by tense states. Your hair will become stronger and healthier.

To meditate, find a quiet place, free from disturbing factors. Keep your legs crossed and close your eyes, focusing on your breathing. Free yourself from thoughts and dedicate yourself to reflection.

Consume this natural smoothie for hair more often

Hair mask more often and longer

This natural smoothie stimulates hair growth.

Mix in a blender ½ cup of plain yogurt with two tablespoons of wheat germ and drink the resulting liquid. This smoothie provides the hair and body with many proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Avoid habits that are harmful to your hair

For best results, you should avoid: eating unhealthy foods, using a hair straightener or curler, using a hair dryer, direct sun exposure for long periods of time, and chemicals such as hair dye that can damage your hair.

Apply a natural treatment for thicker and longer hair

Dandelion for hair more often

This natural treatment helps hair growth and stops it from falling out. Its efficiency is due to the 3 main ingredients: licorice, burdock root and dandelion, each of which offers hair many benefits.


  • ½ cup of water
  • 1 cup ground ground licorice root
  • 1 cup burdock root
  • 1 cup dandelion root


  • Add the ground licorice root in a bowl and fill it halfway with water.
  • Crush the dandelion and burdock roots in a mortar or blender until you get a fine paste.
  • Mix the paste with licorice root and apply the treatment on the scalp.
  • Let it work for 24 hours to allow the scalp to absorb all the nutrients.
  • Rinse and repeat the procedure twice a week.

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