Harvard Study Recommends Not Drinking Skim Milk

Consuming skim milk does not give us the feeling of satiety and makes us drink more, which makes us fat.
Harvard study recommends not drinking skim milk

We all wondered at one point: Which is healthier to eat, plain milk or skim milk ?

For many years, one of the most controversial foods in terms of benefits and nutritional value was cow’s milk.

Most people think we need milk in our diet. However, recent studies show that consuming cow’s milk can be harmful to health .

In an attempt to lose weight or maintain their figure, many people choose to drink skim milk or consume dairy products. Thus, without consuming too much fat, people want to enjoy the taste and benefits of milk.

However, David Ludwig, a scientist at Harvard University, conducted a study that questioned the benefits of milk, especially fat-free or skim milk.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association of Pediatrics, found that when fats are extracted from milk, they are replaced by sweeteners. They are much more harmful in the long run.

Although an alarm has been sounded about the consumption of sweetened beverages, skim milk has never been included on this list for many years.

In his study, Dr. Ludwig questioned the support of skim milk consumption. He argues that all liquids containing calories and sweeteners should be treated with the same precautions.

This study came to the same conclusion as others before him. People do not need cow’s milk from a nutritional point of view and it can even be harmful to the body.

Cow’s milk has become a popular food due to its calcium content, which is essential for bone health, according to many experts. However, there are other foods that contain more calcium than cow’s milk. They do not have as negative an effect on health as milk can have in the long run.

Consume broccoli instead of milk for calcium intake

Some examples in this regard would be broccoli, turnips, arugula, but also others. They have more than 160 mg of calcium in one serving. Other sources would be sardines, nuts, seeds and vegetables, which also provide a significant amount per serving.

Therefore, no one needs to consume large amounts of milk to have healthy bones. Instead, we should all increase our consumption of other, healthier foods.

The argument against skim milk consumption becomes even clearer.

According to Harvard, several clinical trials have been conducted that have shown the effects of skim milk compared to regular milk, compared to the benefits of maintaining ideal weight and other health benefits.

On the other hand, several studies have shown that people who have consumed skim milk do not feel full. They are more likely to gain weight because they feel the need to consume more calories.

Many nutritionists continue to recommend that patients consume skim milk if they want to lose weight. However, with each study, it is even clearer that this product is not beneficial because it has been intensively processed, especially in recent decades.

Experts advise us to consume regular milk, provided it is  organic or from grandma’s yard.

Dairy products can improve heart health, support the treatment of diabetes, absorb vitamins and reduce the risk of colon cancer, but they also have other benefits.

But before we decide that milk is good for our health, we should all ask ourselves: Where does milk come from?


Today, we can say with conviction that it is very difficult to find a type of milk that is healthy for the body. The large amount of hormones administered to cows to increase daily milk production greatly alters the quality of the product. Thus, regular milk has become harmful to the body.

Moreover, we should be aware that nothing is the same as it was twenty years ago. Technology has greatly influenced the food industry.

Now, we have to be careful about the “extraordinary and delicious” products we find in the supermarket every day.

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