Hemp Milk: Nutrients, Benefits And A Recipe

Hemp milk is a vegetable drink that is obtained by combining ground hemp seeds with water. It can be used as an alternative to cow’s milk and can be consumed by vegans.
Hemp milk: nutrients, benefits and a recipe

Hemp milk has a high nutritional value, being rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The drink itself has a fine texture and a white color. Its slightly bitter taste is similar to that of oily fruits, but you can sweeten it with sugar or other sweeteners.

People with lactose intolerance and vegans can consume hemp milk with confidence.

The nutritional value of hemp milk

Hemp milk is an excellent supplement for anyone who wants to increase their daily intake of protein, vitamins and minerals. This drink is made with hemp seeds, which come from a plant in the cannabis family. The sale of this ingredient is strictly legal.

The nutrients in hemp milk include:

  • High doses of essential fatty acids (40%): The human body can not produce these acids, so we have to get them from food or supplements. Hemp milk has a significant content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as gamma-linoleic acid.
  • A high percentage of vegetable protein (35%): In addition to all the fatty acids in its composition, hemp milk has as much protein as food such as meat, cow’s milk and eggs.
  • Fiber (6%): This drink supports digestive health.
  • Vitamin E: This nutrient is a powerful natural antioxidant.
  • Essential minerals: This category includes phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

Hemp milk is poor in:

  • Carbohydrates (10%)
  • Vitamins A, B and C.
  • Calcium and manganese

The benefits of hemp milk

Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fatty acids, high quality protein and essential micronutrients.

Contains essential vitamins and minerals

As mentioned earlier, hemp milk is rich in essential nutrients to the human body. These include phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. All these minerals are important in terms of muscle contractions, bone formation and certain biochemical processes of the nervous system.

At the same time, vitamin E is an important antioxidant for cardiovascular health.

It regulates the functioning of the intestinal tract and cholesterol levels

Because the seeds used in the preparation of hemp milk contain a lot of fiber, this drink can regulate the intestinal tract and prevent constipation.

In addition, hemp milk regulates cholesterol levels and blood pressure. The fibers in its composition prevent the absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Some contraindications

The interaction of hemp milk with other compounds may reduce platelet formation. Therefore, people with problems with blood clotting (ie clots) or those taking certain medications should not consume hemp milk without first consulting a doctor.

When consumed in excess, this drink can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating due to its high fiber content.

Ask a doctor if you have any questions about consuming hemp milk.

How is hemp milk prepared?

Bottle of hemp milk next to seeds
Hemp milk is prepared in a similar way to all other types of vegetable milk.

This vegetable drink is easy to prepare and, if stored in a cool, dry place where sunlight does not penetrate, it can last up to three days. The following recipe is similar to the ones you need to follow to prepare other types of vegetable milk, such as almond or soy milk.


  • 150 g of hemp seeds
  • 1 l of water
  • Sugar or a natural sweetener (honey, Stevia rebaudiana , cinnamon, dates, etc.)
  • 1 pinch of salt

Method of preparation

  • Let the hemp seeds soak in a liter of water for about two hours.
  • As soon as the indicated time has elapsed, put the seeds and the liquid in a blender. It is advisable not to process all the liquid at once, but to divide it into several doses, so that the drink obtained has a fine texture.
  • Strain the drink. The solid parts can be used to make cookies, bread, muesli or biscuits.
  • Add a pinch of salt and sweeten to taste.
  • Pour the milk into a bottle and enjoy it with pleasure!

Like any other vegetable drink, hemp milk is versatile and can be included in smoothies, desserts and sauces. You can combine it with fruit, skim cheese and whole grains to prepare a nutritious and balanced breakfast.

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