Herbal Remedies For High Cholesterol

To lower your cholesterol, you need to use herbal remedies daily, adopt an exercise routine, and learn to control your stress levels.
Herbal remedies for high cholesterol

If you have problems with your body cholesterol, you should take action immediately and do not wait. For optimal cardiovascular health, use herbal remedies for high cholesterol. This will protect your heart and arteries against the accumulation of atheromatous plaque.

Eat a healthy diet, exercise daily and relax. In addition, choose one of the following herbal remedies for high cholesterol and include it in your daily diet.

Herbal remedies for high cholesterol

Cholesterol in the arteries

Certain herbs can help lower cholesterol levels naturally without causing unpleasant side effects. But it is also important to control your intake of animal products and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Also beware of trans fats. They are found in products such as margarine, sauces, creams, ice cream, chips, etc. Completely avoid eating such foods or reduce as much as you can the percentage represented by them in your daily menu.

It is also important to realize the effect of stress on your nervous system. Stress negatively affects liver activity, which ultimately leads to increased cholesterol levels.

1. Green tea

Green tea is a berry consumed since antiquity in many cultures around the globe thanks to its beneficial medicinal effects. Its antioxidant properties are ideal for preventing aging. In addition, its catechin content helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL).

We recommend that you drink one or two cups of green tea every day. It is best to drink it away from the main meals of the day, as green tea can prevent the absorption of iron from food. Also, this beverage contains caffeine, though in a small quantity as compared with black tea.

2. Artichoke leaves

Herbal remedies for cholesterol

We continue the list of herbal remedies for cholesterol with a very healthy and beneficial vegetable for the liver: artichokes. The infusion obtained from its leaves has a strong and bitter aroma. But this is very beneficial for controlling cholesterol levels.

Also, the artichoke infusion is a wonderful treatment for improving gastrointestinal function and cleansing the body of toxins. By using this infusion, you will be able to prevent the appearance of chronic diseases.

3. Ginger

Ginger should not be missing from any healthy diet because it is very rich in beneficial nutrients. In addition to lowering cholesterol, ginger facilitates food digestion, prevents water retention and can help with weight loss.

You can use fresh ginger or powder to prepare an infusion or you can add it in sweet or salty recipes. It offers a wonderful flavor to any dish.

You can also eat dehydrated or caramelized ginger. This way, you will have it at hand whenever you want.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion is a medicinal plant with incredible detoxifying properties, excellent for the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is a great choice for cleansing the body and preventing disease.

Dandelion contains inositol, being one of the best herbal remedies for high cholesterol. It also protects the arteries. You can take advantage of these benefits by consuming infusion or even dandelion oil – for example, in salads.

5. Saffron

Herbal remedies for high cholesterol

Saffron is not a well-known natural remedy, but it is very effective. It is a plant often used as a food coloring, giving a yellowish tinge to the dishes. Saffron infusion helps reduce cholesterol levels.

The component of the plant responsible for this effect is the colored pigment, called crocetin. By consuming saffron daily, you will strengthen your capillaries and prevent atherosclerosis.

So, protect your heart and circulatory system by consuming saffron infusion daily.

6. Armory

The latest on our list of herbal remedies for high cholesterol is armory. This medicinal plant is an excellent treatment for the liver because, in addition to improving its functioning, it helps to regenerate liver cells in case of cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver, etc.

Consumption of armory in the form of infusion or dietary supplement also regulates triglyceride levels and reduces inflammation in the body. Take one or two armor treatments a year, for three months, to purify your blood and prevent the development of chronic diseases.

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