How Do You Quit A Job You Don’t Like?

Giving up a job is not the end of your professional life. It can allow us to reconnect with our interests and unleash creativity. Find out how you can quit a job you don’t like!
How do you give up a job you don't like?

You may have wondered how much time in life we ​​dedicate to work. Taking as a reference the life expectancy in the United States (which is 79 years), it turned out that we spend 12 years working in an average working life of 45 years, with 40 hours of work per week. An interesting number. What happens if you decide to quit a job because you don’t like it?

Employment can be a source of satisfaction and well-being or vice versa. In the latter case, even when all conditions are positive, most people find it difficult to give up and almost never do so directly. The truth is that a bad work environment with chronic stress threatens our health. We should consider giving up or moving to another job.

3 reasons to quit a job you don’t like

A bad work climate, a low salary, humiliation, violence, insulting values, new professional interests or a change of occupation are just some of the reasons why most people give up their jobs.

When faced with a job we don’t like, we can summarize the reasons in a few words: health, personal satisfaction, and low productivity due to lack of motivation.

Conflict at work

How do you give up a job you don’t like?

Don’t leave a job overnight. It is important to announce in advance and see what administrative and legal procedures you need to follow.

In terms of time, many people wonder when they need to announce their departure. See if the employment contract stipulates this aspect.

If you have a key position in the company for which specific training is required, notify your superiors more than 15 days in advance. This way, they will have time to look for another employee and you will be able to assist, even minimally, in preparing the new person.

To quit a job, you don’t have to get another one right away. It is important to project a short and medium term horizon, as this also helps to calm anxiety.

For example, check how much money you need to meet basic obligations (food and rent, for example) and how long your savings will last. This does not mean that unforeseen events may not occur along the way, but their impact will be smaller.

Sometimes this plan has nothing to do with the economy, but with peace of mind. In this case, we can think about what activities we are interested in.

A man who doesn't know how to quit a job

Take care of your mental health if it is necessary to give up a job

Discomfort at work is directly related to our mental health. There are even syndromes, such as exhaustion, which are strong expressions or manifestations of this everyday problem.

It is important to respect the moments and the processes in order to resign from the workplace, but it is also necessary to take it seriously and not wait for everything to calm down or for things to change on their own.

There are excuses and fears, but at what price? Let’s not lose sight of the fact that we don’t need to get used to the discomfort. We deserve the opportunity to feel comfortable and continue to grow!

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