How To Avoid Wasting Electricity

After going through the following list of ways to dissipate electricity, you may come across some familiar aspects. That is why it is important to be informed in order to make changes in the use of energy.
How to avoid wasting electricity

In a world where resources are becoming increasingly limited and pollution is constantly increasing, even the smallest details are significant. In this sense, the reduction of energy consumption and its rational use is the obligation of each of us. A first step towards these things is to know how to avoid wasting electricity by knowing how and using economical devices.

Energy saving is not just a matter of environmental protection. In this case, we are also talking about economic factors, which are important for many people. For these reasons, it is good to be aware of the importance of rational use.

Perhaps many of us have already begun to work to avoid wasting electricity. But it is certain that we are often not sufficiently informed and make avoidable mistakes.

Waste of electricity: what are the responsible devices?

The following list contains the ways in which electricity is wasted. Make sure you avoid them in your home. It’s still time to make changes!

1. Devices plugged in 24/7

There are appliances in the whole house that are always plugged in, despite the fact that we do not use them daily: the game console, the microwave, the washing machine and the air conditioner during the winter.

Did you know that they consume energy even if they are not used? Unplugging them is one of the main ways in which waste of electricity can be avoided.

2. Air conditioning and heating

Although absolutely necessary, these devices consume a lot of energy. This high consumption is caused by the inefficiency with which we use them.

To optimize the use of air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, close the windows when you turn them on. It also sets a moderate temperature and closes the doors of the rooms to keep the temperature.

3. Hot water when washing can lead to waste of electricity

How do you wash waste of electricity

Many of us are used to setting up a hot water wash cycle. This is 90% of the energy needed for the washing process and is only useful for certain types of clothes. It is better to set a wash with cold water and use hot water only in really necessary situations.

4. Electric oven

When put into operation, the electric oven consumes a lot of energy. For this reason, we do not recommend using it every time you cook, especially if you have other options.

If you want to heat a piece of meat or prepare a pizza, you can use the gas oven. It is much more economical.

5. Inefficient refrigerators

Refrigerator that wastes electricity

Old refrigerators consume more energy than new ones. Although buying a new refrigerator costs more, you can recoup your costs in no time, as you will save on energy bills.

Do your calculations and evaluate the benefits of buying a more efficient refrigerator to avoid wasting electricity.

6. Incomplete loading of the dishwasher

There is no doubt that we are talking about one of the most appreciated appliances. But the dishwasher consumes a lot of energy if you don’t use it properly.

First, try to fully charge it before turning it on, even when you choose the partial charge function. If the plates are not very dirty, you can get a flawless cleaning even if the appliance is full.

Disable the drying program if it is not really necessary. The drying function represents a large part of the energy consumption of this machine.

Also consider the size of these three appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator). You don’t necessarily need a large device.

7. High consumption lighting sources

Many people have already replaced traditional lamps with LED ones. If you still have old light bulbs such as Christmas lights or other decorative lights, consider buying bulbs that are more economical.

8. The computer

If you no longer use your laptop or computer, turn it off. For example, if you want to use it soon, turn off the laptop, turn off the monitor, or put the computer to sleep.

Allow a few minutes to set the power consumption configuration of these devices. In the long run, this will make a difference.

9. Standby mode

Microwave oven that wastes electricity

The TV, microwave, internet connection, among others, have the standby function. Although this function is useful from time to time, it consumes 5% of the energy it would use when the appliance is put into operation.

10. The phone charger wastes electricity

There are two ways in which the charger is a waste of energy. The first method is to keep it plugged in without being connected to the phone. In this way, it consumes about 0.25 watts per hour.

Also, if we leave the phone connected when it has already been charged, it consumes 2.24 watts per hour. Although it seems a small number, in the long run you can see an increase in costs. Also, while charging, the phone consumes 3.68 watts per hour.

As you can see, we ourselves are responsible for avoiding the waste of electricity in our own home. Starting from knowing the ways in which energy is wasted, we can reduce consumption significantly.

Start saving electricity today!

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