How To Get A Homemade Soap With Aloe Vera

Both olive oil and aloe vera have moisturizing properties. To have a softer skin, do not hesitate to prepare the next homemade soap.
How to get a homemade aloe vera soap

Many people complain that commercial soaps dry or irritate their skin. To avoid this problem and keep your skin hydrated and free of impurities, a good idea is to use a homemade soap with aloe vera and olive oil.

In today’s article we will show you how you can use aloe vera to get a moisturizing home soap, ideal for face, hand and body care.

What are the benefits of aloe vera?

You can use aloe gel to prepare a wonderful homemade soap

Aloe vera is a plant whose leaves contain a gelatinous pulp that offers many health benefits, whether we consume it or apply it on the skin.

Thanks to the relaxing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of aloe gel, various cosmetics include this plant product as an ingredient. Aloe vera is even used in the manufacture of shower gels and shampoos.

Aloe vera has the ability to maintain the skin’s natural moisture, but prevents the accumulation of excess oil produced by it. For this reason, the gel of this plant is ideal for those who have combination and oily skin or suffer from acne.

Many of us already have an aloe plant in our garden or yard. Aloe vera is easy to grow and we can use it to quickly treat burns, injuries and more.

Advantages of using a home-made soap with aloe vera

More and more people have started to prepare their own cosmetics or intimate hygiene products because this is how they can choose and customize their composition. Moreover, natural products prepared at home allow us to discover which ingredients are compatible with our skin.

Also, natural cosmetics give us the opportunity to avoid harmful ingredients (synthetic perfumes, sulfates, parabens, etc.) in the composition of those in the trade, which can adversely affect the health of the skin.

The following homemade aloe vera soap can be used by anyone, regardless of skin type, so it is suitable for the whole family. You can modify the recipe by adding various essential oils, so that you discover the ideal composition for you.

What are the ingredients needed to prepare this homemade soap?

You will need coconut oil to make your next homemade soap
  • 1 cup (220 g) olive oil or coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons (30 g) of sodium hydroxide
  • 6 ½ tablespoons (65 ml) of distilled water
  • 3 tablespoons (45 g) aloe vera gel (fresh or bottled)
  • 15 drops of an essential oil (optional ingredient)

What utensils do you need to prepare the next homemade soap?

  • A form for pouring soap or the base of a plastic bottle
  • Goggles to be able to use sodium hydroxide
  • A manual mixer
  • A saucepan
  • A glass container
  • A wooden spoon

How to get this homemade soap with aloe vera?

This homemade soap is more beneficial than a commercial soap
  • Put on your goggles and place the glass container in the sink.
  • First, introduce sodium hydroxide and distilled water into the container.
  • Be careful not to splash this mixture.
  • The mixture will emit steam, so let it cool.
  • Don’t forget to use a fan or ventilate the room you are in.
  • Heat the pot over low heat and put the olive or coconut oil in it. When the oil reaches a temperature of 40 ° C (115 ° F), take the pot off the heat and pour its contents into the glass container. Use the manual mixer to mix everything.
  • Start mixing lightly to avoid splashing. Mix the paste until it reaches the consistency of a gel.
  • Without letting it cool, add the aloe vera gel and an essential oil, then mix well.
  • Pour the final mixture into the soap dish and cover with a towel to keep warm.
  • Allow the mixture to cool for 12-24 hours.
  • As soon as it has cooled, remove the soap from the mold.
  • Store the soap in a cool, dry place to harden. Generally, this process takes between a month and two and a half months.


  • Use sodium hydroxide with great care and do not let children or pets get close to the space where you prepare the soap.
  • Always use eye and hand protection because sodium hydroxide is very corrosive.
  • If the substance comes in contact with your skin, apply vinegar immediately.

Homemade soap with glycerin and aloe vera

A much easier way to take advantage of the benefits of aloe vera is to buy a glycerin soap, heat it until it melts in a bain-marie and then mix it with aloe vera gel. Pour the obtained paste into the soap form and soon you will have your own homemade soap with glycerin and aloe vera.

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