How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Naturally

Regular massages improve blood circulation to the legs and reduce the appearance of spider veins. You will get better results if you also resort to a treatment based on essential oils.
How to get rid of varicose veins naturally

Varicose veins and veins in spider webs are not simple aesthetic problems that cause us discomfort when we have to flaunt our legs. Their causes can be multiple and, in more serious situations, it is necessary to resort to intensive treatments to reduce their appearance. Find out below how to get rid of varicose veins naturally!

Why do varicose veins and veins appear in spider webs?

You may have noticed that you have a small purple vein on your leg, but you didn’t pay much attention to it. But it is essential to follow the evolution of this seemingly minor problem, in order to prevent future complications.

Only a doctor can give you a correct diagnosis and can help you discover the factors that determined the appearance of varicose veins and veins in the spider’s web. Over time, varicose veins can begin to cause pain if not treated properly, making it difficult for you to move and perform your daily tasks.

Fortunately, with a little effort and consistency, varicose veins and spider veins can be treated. A few small changes in your daily habits can help you a lot. Among the factors that cause varicose veins are:

  • Obesity
  • Inactivity
  • Smoking
  • Family history
  • Circulatory diseases

How to remove varicose veins and veins in spider web

How to get rid of varicose veins and get rid of pain

We are often advised to change our daily habits without explaining why it is good to do so. The tips we are going to present to you will show you how to eliminate varicose veins and veins in spider web and to remedy other health problems that you are probably experiencing.

Improve your blood circulation

It is essential that the blood can circulate freely in all regions of the body, not just the legs. Light movement and exercise, such as taking a dog for a walk, walking in the park, cycling or swimming, are great activities to improve blood circulation.

You can keep your legs up when you’re at home, even if you’re sitting down. It is advisable not to spend a lot of time sitting on a chair or standing. Also, make sure you change your body position as often as you can.

Lose weight

Obesity and overweight are among the main factors that produce varicose veins and spider veins. The reason is that our legs support most of the body weight, and the veins in this region must make an extra effort to transport the blood to the heart.

If you want to know how to get rid of varicose veins, strive to follow a diet to help you lose weight so that your extremities are not subjected to excessive pressure.

Wear compression stockings or socks

People who have to travel a lot because of the service often opt for compression socks. These products can be purchased from over-the-counter pharmacies and can be worn throughout the day, not just when we are forced to sit or stand for long periods of time.

However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before purchasing compression socks or stockings, to determine which of these products is right for you and for what period of time you should wear it.

Massage your feet

Wondering how to get rid of varicose veins quickly? Every afternoon or evening, when you return home from work (or at least a few times a week if you don’t have much time), massage your feet to improve blood circulation. Complete the massages with an essential oil, such as lavender, olive or eucalyptus.

Sleep with your legs up

You can do this in several ways, but it is best to put some pillows under your ankles so that your feet rest above the level of your torso. You can try to insert pieces of board under the feet of the bed, to make sure that your legs are at a higher level than the head.

Another way to improve your blood circulation is to adopt a position so that you can rest your legs above heart level for a few minutes. You can, for example, lie on the floor, bed or sofa and lean your ankles or heels against the wall.

Improve your diet

It is advisable to enrich your daily diet with foods rich in antioxidants. Such a diet will strengthen your veins and improve their appearance. To reduce the appearance of spider veins, increase your intake of bioflavonoids (you can get them from citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and oranges).

How to remove varicose veins and veins in spider web with natural remedies

I’ve already shown you some tricks to fix varicose veins and spider veins. As you well know, diet plays a very important role in this process. In the following we will present you some of the best natural remedies to remove varicose veins and spider veins:

Eat cranberries

How to remove varicose veins with cranberry juice

Cranberries have a vasodilating effect that thins the blood and strengthens the walls of the veins, having the ability to facilitate blood circulation. Moreover, this fruit is rich in the bioflavonoids we mentioned earlier. We advise you to eat at least a handful of cranberries a day, plain or included in a salad.

Marigold remedy

This flowering plant is very beneficial for both the skin and the health of internal organs. Marigolds have the ability to improve the structure of the veins, while slowing down the aging process caused by following unhealthy habits.

Marigolds have the ability to repair damaged tissue and reduce and eliminate inflammation in the extremities. You can buy natural creams of marigolds from the ceiling to apply them on the feet before bed. You can also make your own marigold ointment at home.


  • 1 handful of marigold petals
  • A bit of water

Method of preparation

Grind the flower petals in water until you get a paste. Apply this paste every evening on the regions with varicose veins and veins in spider web, and the next morning rinse with water. Follow this treatment for at least a month.


How to remove unsightly varicose veins on the legs

This plant (also called “witches’ nut”) has astringent properties, which facilitates the opening of the circulatory system and relieves the feeling of heaviness associated with varicose veins. We advise you to consume hamamalis in the form of tea.


  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) of dried witch hazel leaves
  • 1 cup (250 ml) hot water

Method of preparation

  • Prepare this tea as you would prepare any other infusion and drink it at an optimal temperature.
  • If you prefer a topical treatment, you can try witch hazel water. This drink is prepared in the same way as tea. Instead of drinking it, you have to let it cool down. Then, with a cloth or cotton swab, apply the liquid on the skin affected by varicose veins and veins in the spider web.

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