How To Make An Anti-stretch Mark Cream With Vitamin E

It is very difficult to remove stretch marks completely. But we have a wide range of products that can nourish the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Today we present you an anti-stretch mark cream with vitamin E, which you can prepare at home.
How to prepare an anti-stretch mark cream with vitamin E.

In today’s article, we propose a recipe for anti- stretch mark cream with vitamin E. Stretch marks are irregular streaks that appear on the skin when the elastic fibers of this organ stretch excessively, which is common during pregnancy. This imperfection can also occur due to weight fluctuations or certain hereditary factors.

Although stretch marks do not have a negative impact on physical health, their appearance reduces self-esteem. In trade, there are various creams and topical treatments that can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Unfortunately, these treatments are very expensive. The good news is that we have natural and easy-to-use products that can help us get rid of stretch marks.

Reasons to use a vitamin E anti-stretch mark cream

Vitamin E capsules
Vitamin E has a strong tissue regeneration effect due to its antioxidant and moisturizing properties.

The following anti-stretch mark cream with vitamin E offers interesting benefits. First of all, its moisturizing compounds can penetrate the layers of the skin, increasing the elasticity of the tissues. At the same time, the healing and regenerating properties of vitamin E will give the skin a finer appearance.

Vitamin E is useful in preventing the appearance of flabby skin, an essential benefit when it comes to preventing new stretch marks. Applied topically by massage, it reactivates blood circulation and reduces inflammation, improving the appearance of stretch marks that stand out above the skin layer.

Other benefits of vitamin E anti-stretch mark cream are:

  • Renews skin collagen and elastin.
  • Reduces the negative impact of free radicals on the skin.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Therefore, in addition to protecting the elastic fibers of the skin, it can prevent them from breaking when stretched.
  • Due to its gentle formula, it can be used during pregnancy.
  • It is much cheaper than commercial stretch mark treatments.
  • Its ingredients are 100% natural and usually do not cause allergic reactions.

How to prepare this anti-stretch mark cream with vitamin E?

Jar of anti-stretch mark cream with vitamin E
Vitamin E in the composition of this cream has antioxidant and regenerating properties .

Direct application of vitamin E on stretch marks is enough to reduce their appearance. But below we propose a home-made cream, which incorporates this ingredient in a more complex treatment. This remedy also contains other beneficial ingredients, such as coconut oil or shea butter. Both products provide fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids that help regenerate the skin as soon as they are absorbed.

Here is the recipe:


  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 capsule of oily vitamin E.
  • 1/2 tablespoon avocado oil (optional ingredient)

Method of preparation

  • Put the shea butter in a heatresistant jar and melt it in a bain-marie.
  • As soon as it has melted, add the coconut oil and stir over low heat.
  • Then open a vitamin E capsule and add its contents to the above mixture.
  • Continue to stir, then remove the preparation from the heat.
  • If you want, add half a tablespoon of avocado oil.
  • Pour the composition into a container and wait until it hardens.
  • Store it in a cool, dry place.

Way of ussage

  • Apply the cream on any part of the skin with stretch marks.
  • Massage until the skin absorbs it.
  • Let it work without rinsing with water. Repeat the treatment every day, preferably twice a day.

If you want, you can double the amounts of ingredients mentioned above. Keep in mind, however, that depending on the temperature at which you store it, this cream will expire after one or two months.


Vitamin E anti-stretch mark cream presented in this article is not a miracle treatment and does not provide immediate results. In fact, there is no treatment that can completely eliminate stretch marks. To reduce the appearance of stretch marks, you will need to be consistent in applying the chosen product.

In addition, any treatment for stretch marks should be supplemented with a healthy diet and sufficient physical activity. These habits have a major impact on the health of the skin, helping to maintain its firmness. They can even reduce the risk of stretch marks during pregnancy.

Feel free to incorporate this vitamin E anti-stretch mark cream into your daily beauty routine. It is easy to prepare and the necessary ingredients are cheap!

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