How To Prevent Bags Under The Eyes And Dark Circles

Performing a gentle massage on the eye contour helps to drain retained fluids and improves blood circulation, which can help eliminate the appearance of tired face caused by bags under the eyes and dark circles.
How to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles

If you want to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Although the application of cosmetics helps to improve the appearance of the area around the eyes, it is necessary to take certain measures to prevent the recurrence of these unsightly problems.

Bags under the eyes and dark circles are the result of fluid retention, hormonal changes and unhealthy habits. We also do not pay enough attention to this area of ​​the face in daily beauty rituals.

Although they are not dangerous for health, you definitely want to know how to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles, because they give you a tired, sickly and aged look. Fortunately, there are simple tricks to eliminate these problems and look better.

What causes the appearance of bags under the eyes and dark circles?

How to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles

Before learning how to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles, it is important to find out what causes them. Since most of them are related to your lifestyle, you should apply prevention methods before the bags under your eyes and dark circles affect your face.

  • Spots caused by excess melanin or sun exposure (hyperpigmentation)
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Use of drugs such as cortisone and vasodilators
  • Lack of sleep or waking up often during sleep
  • Excessive rubbing of the eyes with the hands
  • Fluid retention or edema
  • Thyroid diseases, such as hypothyroidism
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Premature aging

How to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles

To help you prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles, the cosmetics industry has developed a wide range of products for delicate skin in the eye area. There are also professional laser or pulsating light treatments.

But there are also simple and effective options to prevent these shortcomings naturally without emptying your pocket. In fact, it is a great idea to use them in addition to any other treatment used. Put them into practice to look better!

1. Sleep better

The high quality of sleep is a determining factor in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin. So, if your goal is to prevent bags under the eyes and dark circles, you need to get enough sleep.


  • Try to sleep 7 or 8 hours every night without interruption. If you have difficulty falling asleep, try drinking a relaxing infusion before going to bed. You will have a much calmer sleep.

2. Don’t go to bed without removing your make-up first

A fundamental step to having a pleasant facial appearance is to remove makeup every night before going to bed. Although cosmetics help you look better during the day, keeping them on your face at night leads to dark circles and other imperfections.


  • Massage a small amount of natural almond oil on the skin to remove makeup.
  • Also, if you want, you can use cleanser in the form of milk or cream.

3. Limit salt intake

A diet high in sodium will prevent you from preventing bags under the eyes and dark circles. This is because sodium leads to fluid retention in the body, which aggravates inflammation and worsens blood circulation.


Instead of adding salt to the foods you eat, opt for spices such as oregano, thyme, bay leaves and turmeric.

Also, always check food labels and avoid those with a high sodium content.

4. Eat green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial for skin health, as they can help optimize the oxygenation process to prevent inflammation of the eye contour. They contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the body.


Add more green leafy vegetables to your diet by eating fresh salads and smoothies. Consume them raw to benefit 100% from the nutrients in their composition.

5. Increase your water intake

Dehydration can worsen the appearance of the skin. In addition to drying the skin, it weakens the tissues and causes imperfections such as dark circles and goose foot wrinkles.


  • Drink about 7 or 8 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • If you prefer, opt for infusions of herbs and freshly squeezed natural fruits or juices.

6. Eat citrus fruits

Citrus fruits and other sources of vitamin C help increase collagen production. This substance prevents the appearance of wrinkles and keeps the delicate skin around the eyes firm.


  • Do not hesitate to eat more oranges, grapefruits, lemons and other citrus fruits every day.
  • If you want, you can consume them in the form of freshly squeezed juice or you can include them in smoothies.

7. Use sunscreen

Sun protection helps you prevent bags under your eyes

The impact of UV rays on the skin is a major one, leading to the appearance of hyperpigmentation in the area around the eyes. UV rays also weaken the tissues and cause wrinkles.


  • Use sunscreen based on physical or chemical filters.
  • For extra protection, wear sunglasses daily.

8. Massage the area around the eyes

A quick massage with your fingertips helps to drain the lymph and reduce imperfections. It is even better if you use a natural oil or a cream, they help to better stimulate blood circulation.


  • Apply several drops of coconut oil and almonds on the eye contour and massage gently with circular movements performed with your fingertips.
  • Do this every night before bed.

9. Use cucumber slices

Cucumber is the classic remedy for preventing bags under the eyes and dark circles. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it can reverse the process of skin degradation. It also has a calming effect, relieving irritation around the eyes.


  • Cut a few slices of cucumber and put them in the fridge.
  • Then, when they cool well, put them on closed eyes and keep them like that for 5 minutes (or until they warm up).

10. Practice exercise

Exercising itself does not get rid of dark circles. But regular training improves blood circulation and helps reduce inflammation. Thus, the oxygenation process of the skin is performed properly, the skin gaining a more pleasant and healthier appearance.


  • Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.
  • If you don’t have time to go to the gym, create a workout for your home or choose alternative activities, such as dancing or cycling.

Have you noticed that your face looks tired due to bags under the eyes and permanent dark circles? Follow the tips above to say goodbye to imperfections! Although they will not miraculously disappear, you will notice a gradual improvement in the bags under the eyes and dark circles.

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