How To Tell If You Feel Love Or Obsession

Is it love or obsession? When the love of one of the partners turns into an obsession, the other becomes an indispensable component of his life. The obsessed partner lives in fear that the loved one will leave him. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this topic.
How to tell if you feel love or obsession

Love is such an intense feeling that it can sometimes get out of hand. Without realizing it, it turns into an obsession. It is not easy for us to know if what we are feeling is love or obsession.

In today’s article we present you some fundamental ways in which love and obsession differ from each other. With the following information, it will be easier for you to understand what is happening to you.

Love or obsession?

Obsession, the disease of exclusivity

Sometimes you don't know if what you are feeling is love or obsession

When you are obsessed with your life partner, something strange happens: you build a wall around your relationship, over which no one can pass.

By placing your loved one at the center of your universe, you begin to feel like you are drowning. The cause of this is your obsessive need to control everything. As a consequence, you are crushed by doubts and, instead of enjoying your relationship, you are permanently in a state of alert.

Love in a relationship is based on honesty.

Obsession and self-esteem

Obsession is closely linked to low self-esteem. You feel that you are missing something you need and, for this reason, you become obsessed with your partner.

But you do n’t have to get lost because you don’t need anyone to “complement” you. You are already a complete man. Unlike obsession, to love means to want to be with someone who supports your existing qualities.

Love presupposes acceptance

Acceptance helps you figure out if you feel love or obsession

After a breakup, a period of pain inevitably follows. Initially it will be an ordeal, but eventually you will be able to accept reality.

But if you are obsessed with your ex-partner, it will be impossible for you to give up and you will stay connected to him. In some cases, the obsessed person cannot go on without the help of a psychotherapist.

And the other is a human being

This should be obvious. But when you get into the situation of not knowing if you feel love or obsession, it is very easy to forget that your partner is human, just like you. It is not excluded to look at it as an object that is your property. In this way, he will always give you what you think you are missing.

You are convinced that your partner has the obligation to be with you and you cannot live in his absence. Because of this need, it turns into your personal property. Love, on the other hand, means to take into account the needs of the other, to allow him to enjoy his rights and freedom.

Intention to manipulate

The presence of manipulation helps you realize if you feel love or obsession

Sometimes the interest of one of the partners in the relationship may decrease. A person in love will feel grief over this, but will eventually accept the inevitable breakup.

But, as we mentioned before, the obsession prevents us from accepting reality. When you are obsessed with your partner, you will use his lack of interest as a weapon against him. Basically, you will try to make him feel guilty for not fighting for your relationship.

The importance of communication

Communication and empathy are fundamental elements of a healthy couple relationship. With their help, everything goes smoothly. But in obsessive-compulsive relationships, communication is absent. This is replaced by the fear of one partner that the other will leave him.

In such relationships, the obsessed partner pretends that there is no problem. Everything must seem fine, so that the other does not see reality.

Lack of communication helps you determine if you feel love or obsession

Have you ever wondered if what you feel about your partner is love or obsession? Obsessed people often end up suffering. Their needs are not met and, at the slightest change, they lose control of themselves.

These individuals do not accept change of any kind, because they have given everything to the other. Unfortunately, they forgot about themselves. In order to save himself, he must try to rediscover himself.

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