How To Wear High Heels Without Pain: 7 Useful Tricks

Here are some simple tricks that will help you last longer on the heels without feeling pain or discomfort. 
How to wear high heels without pain: 7 useful tricks

Many women love to walk on heels. But some avoid such shoes, not because they do not like them, but because the foot pain becomes unbearable. In this article we show you how to wear high heels without hurting your legs with the help of simple tricks.

The feet are not anatomically constructed for wearing heeled shoes. Thus, the use of such shoes can cause various problems, such as pain, blisters, swelling and marks on the skin. If you follow the tips below, you can eliminate or reduce the discomfort to last as long as possible on the heels.


Learn how to wear heels without hurting your legs with 7 simple tricks

In the following, we present you some tricks to eliminate or reduce the discomfort caused by high heels. Read on and follow our recommendations!

1. Choose your heeled shoes carefully

First of all, you should always ask for shoes with heels exactly your size. If you opt for a pair of shoes that are too small or too big, you will hurt your feet. It seems obvious, but sometimes we forget about this important aspect when it comes to heeled shoes.

Therefore, you need to try on both shoes, take a few steps with them on your feet and make sure that the heel of the shoe falls exactly in the middle of your heel. uniformly, thus preventing injuries.

If you are not used to walking on heels or your legs hurt when you try, we recommend that you wear heels of maximum 5 cm and as wide as possible. Keep these tips in mind the next time you buy high-heeled shoes.

How to wear high heels without hurting your legs

2. Spray to widen shoes

Some shoes have a narrow toe. This can be a nuisance when your feet swell slightly, such as after a night standing. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the “instructions” below:

How to proceed

  • Spray the spray inside the shoes.
  • Put on your shoes.
  • Try to walk like that for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat after 24 hours.
  • If necessary, repeat the steps several times until you notice that your shoes fit you better.

3. Silicone pads

The silicone pads are small and soft and can be placed on certain parts of the inside of the shoe to prevent pain. These are very practical and you can put them in the desired place in a minute. We recommend that you carry a pair in your emergency bag. Here’s how to wear high heels for longer using this trick:

  • Put the pillow in the upper part of the foot, where the toes start:  It is normal for this area to hurt, because it is the place where the foot bends and supports all the weight of the body.
  • Put the silicone cushion on the heel: The heel is the meeting point of the sole with the heel itself, which is why pain can occur in this area as well.

4. Non-slip patches

Non-slip patches prevent the skin of the shoes from rubbing against your feet, as if you were wearing socks. They are an excellent solution when shoes bite you in a certain area, because they relieve pain and allow you to continue wearing them.

5. Glue your toes

This is one of the best tricks to last as long as possible on heels. With a bandage, hold the third and fourth toes together. This trick is useful because it disables the nerves that transmit pain signals.

6. Put the shoes in the freezer

How to wear high heels when the shoes are a little tight or narrow? The next trick is the best solution. Water bags gradually widen the shoes. In addition, the low temperature stimulates circulation and relieves pain.

How to proceed

  • Fill two plastic bags with water. 
  • Put one in each shoe.
  • Put your shoes in the freezer.
  • Let them sit for two hours.
  • After this interval, take out the bags and put on your shoes.
How to wear high heels while keeping your shoes in the freezer to widen them

7. Bring a spare pair with you

It is good to carry a pair of spare shoes in case of an emergency. The bigger the wound, the harder it is to heal.

You have now learned how to wear high heels all day or all night. Put into practice the recommendations that fit your needs. Tell us what trick you used and how it worked in your case!

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