Inflammation Of The Esophagus: Symptoms

The causes of esophageal inflammation are multiple. See a doctor if you have any of the problems listed below.
Esophageal inflammation: symptoms

Sometimes, inflammation of the esophagus is not only caused by acid reflux. According to experts, when the immune system is weakened, this part of the digestive system can be easily damaged. Here are the causes that cause inflammation of the esophagus and how you can treat yourself!

How do I recognize esophageal inflammation?

Inflammation of the esophagus can have two causes: normal esophagitis or infectious esophagitis. Only the doctor can determine which of the two it is, through an analysis that shows if the inflammation occurred as a result of the presence of a virus or a bacterium or acid reflux. Usually all three have the same symptoms. Let’s see what these are.

1. Difficulty swallowing

Young woman suffering from inflammation of the esophagus

When inflammation or infection is present in the esophagus, it spreads throughout the neck. Remember that the esophagus is the area between the throat and stomach, which means that it is located in the upper part of the digestive tract. It often happens that the pain reaches the neck area, which swells and prevents us from swallowing food normally.

2. Inflammation in the oral cavity

Herpes or stomatitis occur as a result of the presence of an infection in the body. In addition, infections are more common when the immune system is weakened and white blood cells are not working properly. The first symptom of esophagitis is usually herpes or stomatitis.

3. Cough

Woman suffering from inflammation of the esophagus

Dryness and inflammation of the esophagus cause a special cough. The throat is dry and swollen and we cannot cough normally.

4. Heartburn

Inflammation of the esophagus can be caused by several factors, including acid reflux, a virus such as oral herpes or cytomegalovirus infection. That is why one of the most common early symptoms is the burning sensation in the stomach. This pain spreads to the throat, but is concentrated in the stomach.

5. High fever

Fever caused by inflammation of the esophagus

An increase of only two tenths of a degree in body temperature is enough to indicate a serious condition in the body. High temperature is a symptom of an infection. For this reason, we must see a doctor before taking an aspirin to reduce it. Fever is an indication of an irregularity that can affect the esophagus – don’t ignore it.

6. Snoring

Inflammation of the esophagus extends to the throat, and when it is swollen, the passage of air to the outside is blocked, which causes snoring. Of course, if you only have this symptom, it does not mean that there is something wrong. But if it is accompanied by pain in the stomach and sore throat, it would be good to consult a doctor.

Treatments for esophageal inflammation

Aloe vera for inflammation of the esophagus

It is the doctor who decides what treatment to follow, usually consisting of antibiotics that are administered for eight or ten days . The most important thing is to know the cause of the infection. Is it a virus? Do you have a weakened immune system? There are tests that provide the answer as to the origin of the infection. But in the meantime, what can you do at home to improve the situation?

  • Aloe vera tea: aloe vera is ideal for treating infections and reducing inflammation. This plant is a natural antibacterial agent that helps treat any type of inflammation, whether internal or external. Mix the plant gel with a liter of water and drink daily for at least 6 days. How is the drink prepared? Very simple – scrape two tablespoons of aloe vera plant gel, add it to a cup of boiling water and mix well. Then add three more cups of water and drink the mixture throughout the day. Be careful to always be warm so as not to irritate your stomach or esophagus.
  • Ginger tea: Ginger is another natural antibiotic that cures inflammation. It is recommended to drink two cups of ginger root tea daily. All you have to do is add a tablespoon of grated ginger to a cup of water. And don’t forget, you don’t have to drink these hot teas – it’s best to drink them at room temperature.

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