It Can Be More Painful To Lose A Friend Than A Boyfriend

The bond of friendship is stronger than romantic love. For this reason, when we lose a friend, the pain we will feel may be more intense than the one that follows the end of a love affair.
It can be more painful to lose a friend than a boyfriend

Throughout our lives we give up various friends and make new ones. The same thing happens with romantic partners. These experiences are endings, but they are followed by new beginnings that can bring us much happiness. Even if you lose a friend, life goes on.

You certainly know that friendship can be of many kinds. Our hearts often establish an intimate and strong connection with a particular individual. Eventually it can become a real pillar of our daily lives. This reality is especially true for women.

According to a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, family relationships have a greater impact on men. Instead, women’s physical and emotional well-being depends most on the support of friends.

For this reason, losing a friend because of a conflict or misunderstanding can create as much suffering for a woman as breaking up with a boyfriend. In the following we invite you to reflect a little on this subject.

Friendship, a real treasure

Friendship is not an exclusive phenomenon of people. According to a study published in the journal Time , researchers found that chimpanzees, baboons, horses, hyenas, elephants and dolphins can form this type of connection.

The impact of friendship on a person’s emotional world is huge. But not all friendships have the same place in one’s life. Most of us can count our “true friends” on the fingers of one hand.

This is the reason why you have probably already experienced the dimensions of friendship that we are going to present to you.

Your friends take care of your health

A study by the University of Virginia revealed an interesting fact. Specifically, when the friendship between two people is genuine and mutual, they may begin to experience the same emotions.

  • Empathy is such a powerful force that it can be detected by medical investigation methods, such as MRI.
  • If you feel that someone is in danger and your friend is aware of the situation, his reaction will be the same as yours.
  • The regions of the brain associated with fear and threats are activated identically in the case of the two friends.
  • Friendship is a relationship that gives you daily encouragement, consolation, advice and peace of mind. Together with your friends you will be able to give up problems, stress and worries, relaxing and enjoying life again.
  • Considering the many benefits that “true friendships” offer us, it is not at all difficult to imagine how painful it can be to lose a friend.
It can be more painful to lose a friend than a boyfriend

When you lose a friend

  • There are many reasons why, at some point, you have to drive someone dear out of your life.
  • Sudden changes of interests, betrayal, lies, quarrels… You do not lack the reasons why sometimes you have to lose a friend. But the consequences of this separation will affect you both equally.
  • Losing a friend creates as much suffering for you as breaking up with a romantic partner.
  • Initially you go through a period of anger and denial. You can’t understand what happened to you.
  • Then you get to the question phase, where you will try to find out what was the cause of the breakup.
  • Gradually, you will enter the “period of mourning”, after which you will fully accept what happened.

For some people, breaking up with a boyfriend is more difficult than breaking up with a friend. Many of us establish emotional attachments similar to those described above. For this reason, losing a friend is one of the most painful experiences possible.

Losing a friend can devastate you

Life after losing a friend

We know that friends come into our lives and leave all the time. They take some of us with them, but they help us grow as people.

When you lose a friend who has played a truly special role in your heart, you are left with a wound that will never heal.

  • As much as possible, keep the pleasant memories of your experiences together. Don’t just remember the misunderstanding that separated you because you risk being overwhelmed by resentment, which will prevent you from forming new friendships in the future.
  • Life offers us many lessons that we must accept. No matter what happens to us, we must not close our hearts and miss opportunities to make new friends.

Friendship is the best cure available to the soul!

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