Japanese Technique Against Stress

Let’s be honest: we are all stressed from time to time. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve stress, such as some very effective Japanese techniques. Try them too!
Japanese technique against stress

Stress is so present in our lives that it becomes a rule rather than an exception. Fortunately, there are certain techniques that help us relax in just a few minutes. In today’s article we present a Japanese technique against stress, very useful and very easy to apply.

Commitments, pressures, worries, problems… This unfortunate combination affects our body negatively. Without realizing it, we end up feeling tired, lethargic, irascible.

Japanese anti-stress method

Japanese hands and technique against stress

When your body senses an irregularity or imminent danger, it reacts. That’s what stress really is. In small doses, this condition can be beneficial to health, but, as we already know, the excess does no good.

High levels of stress cause physical and emotional distress. The causes can be various, but service and other obligations are often the main triggers.

To reduce stress and its consequences, you can confidently use a very effective Japanese method that can be practiced at any time of the day.

The technique is based on an oriental art called “Jin Shin Jyutsu” (the art of happiness), to which you should not dedicate more than five minutes a day. This Japanese philosophy believes that all points in the body are related to each other. That is why the exercise is done with the hands.

The idea is this: each finger has a connection with one or more organs in the body or emotions. Therefore, you need to focus on the one who is sending an energy message to the affected area.

It is very simple:

  • For three minutes, apply pressure to your fingertip or fingers related to the problem or feeling you are having at that moment.
  • Start with the right hand, then repeat with the left.

For example, if the middle finger is the one that can help you, hold it tightly in the fist of the opposite hand and press as hard as you can (without causing you pain).

How do you know which organs or emotions correspond to each finger? We explain below:

Japanese anti-stress technique with the thumb

The organs associated with the thumb are the stomach and spleen. Characteristic emotions are anxiety, depression and worry.

The main symptoms are headaches, nervousness and skin problems.

Japanese anti-stress technique with the index finger

Japanese anti-stress technique with the index finger

The kidneys and bladder are the affected organs. Fear and confusion are the associated emotions. If you have muscle pain or digestive problems, press this finger.

Japanese technique against middle finger stress

When you apply this technique on the middle finger, you can alleviate liver and gallbladder problems. The characteristic emotions are anger and irascibility. 

Symptoms you can relieve are headaches, menstrual cramps, fatigue, blood and vision problems.

Japanese anti-stress technique with the ring finger

The ring finger is associated with the lungs and colon. When you feel sad, pessimistic, when you have breathing problems, such as asthma or poor digestion, you need to focus on this finger.

Little finger

The heart and small intestine correspond to the little finger.  It puts pressure on you if you have bone problems or if you are tired and in a bad mood.

Other Japanese techniques that combat stress

Half of the population suffers from stress, which causes a decrease in performance at work and problems in interpersonal relationships.

At the same time, stress is harmful to health and can cause serious illnesses, such as a heart attack. 

In addition to the technique presented above, we recommend that you reduce your stress level with the help of other very effective oriental methods.

Japanese technique against stress – a walk in the woods

Japanese anti-stress technique and a walk in nature

With the original name of Shinrin Yoke, this method consists of a walk in nature in which to use all five senses. This means that you have to touch the trees and plants, listen to the birds singing or the wind blowing the leaves, observe the surrounding landscape or taste a wild fruit.

To enjoy this experience and to feel its beneficial effects, it is good to practice it several times a week. In addition, each walk must last at least one hour. 

If you live in the city, the mission may be more difficult, but there is definitely a park you can visit. You can also take small weekend trips to relax.

Contact with nature is good for health. 

Do not take electronic devices with you (social networks and messages received on the phone have no place here). Plus, don’t think about work, problems, or bad news.

These walks reduce cortisol levels and anxiety, regulate blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.


This therapy stimulates certain points in the body and channels positive energy. With its help, you can enjoy harmony internally and externally by reducing stress, anxiety and nervousness.

Reiki is a spiritual practice derived from Buddhism, which is based on the vital force within, called ki . To take advantage of its benefits, it is necessary to turn to a reiki teacher or specialist. 

A session can last 45 minutes, during which you will lie on a mattress, listen to relaxing music and inhale aromas of essential oils or incense.

Japanese anti-stress technique and reiki method

The specialist will place his hands near the chakras to facilitate the flow of energy. Many people say that the feeling of relaxation and the feeling of peace felt in these moments make them feel that they are “floating.”

We recommend that you attend a reiki session once a week or as many times as necessary to keep your stress level under control.

Of course, there are other ways to eliminate stress. Yoga, meditation and aikido – a martial art that promotes mental serenity and repels violence – can be very helpful.

Try these techniques too, and your body and mind will be grateful!

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