Juice For Natural Bowel Cleansing

Due to the fiber content of its ingredients, the following juice promotes bowel movements and elimination of waste. But to support this process, we need to drink plenty of water.
Juice for natural bowel cleansing

Poor diets, overeating and continued exposure to toxins are factors that can affect the proper functioning of the intestines. Although these organs work constantly to eliminate waste from the body, they sometimes experience difficulties due to the excessive accumulation of harmful substances. But did you know that there is a juice for natural bowel cleansing?

Accumulation of waste can cause uncomfortable symptoms associated with constipation, such as bloating, inflammation and gas.

The good news is that we have some 100% natural remedies that stimulate bowel cleansing. Unlike commercial variants, they do not affect the bacterial flora.

In today’s article we propose a juice for natural cleansing of the intestines, which is rich in fiber and antioxidant compounds. These substances support detoxification in a safe and effective way. Don’t hesitate to try it!

Cleansing the intestines with a natural juice

The combination of ingredients offered by this juice improves bowel movements, relieving slow digestion and constipation. Due to its nutrient content, this drink is ideal for cleansing the blood and improving cardiovascular and metabolic health.

To prepare the juice, you will use the following foods:

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Parsley
  • Chia seeds
  • Flaxseed

Combined, these ingredients stimulate the emptying of intestines loaded with waste and prevent digestive diseases that require complex treatments.

What are the benefits of this detoxifying juice?

Ballooning treated with a juice for natural bowel cleansing

The following juice for natural cleansing of the intestines supports digestion and relieves constipation. But it also offers many other benefits worth mentioning:

  • It has a significant content of dietary fiber. In addition to optimizing intestinal mobility, fiber reduces cholesterol levels and controls anxiety.
  • It is rich in vitamins A and C, nutrients that strengthen immune and skin health.
  • It contains antioxidant compounds that inhibit the negative effects of free radicals, a factor associated with premature aging and certain diseases.
  • It has diuretic properties that facilitate the elimination of fluids retained in tissues and reduce inflammation.
  • It is an energy drink, low in calories. It is ideal for weight loss.
  • It can “feed” healthy bacteria that live in the colon. Due to this benefit, the juice below strengthens the body’s natural means of defense and prevents infections.
  • It stimulates blood circulation and, by improving the transport of oxygen and nutrients, strengthens the heart and brain.

How to prepare this juice for natural bowel cleansing

Juice for natural bowel cleansing with organic ingredients

We advise you to prepare this detoxifying juice every time you experience symptoms of constipation. You can also use it to supplement your diet, so as to improve your digestion.


  • The juice of an orange
  • Suc Grapefruit juice
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) crushed flax seeds
  • ½ glass (100 ml) of water

Method of preparation

  • Cut the orange in half and squeeze the juice.
  • Squeeze the juice of half of the grapefruit and pour it into a food processor together with the orange juice.
  • Immediately add the pineapple slices, parsley sprigs and seeds.
  • To facilitate processing, add half a glass of water.
  • Process all the ingredients for a few moments, until you get a homogeneous drink.

Consumption mode

  • Serve the juice as soon as you prepare it, without straining it, on an empty stomach.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes before serving breakfast. Drink this juice every day for 2-3 consecutive weeks.

Some final tips

Woman drinking a juice for natural bowel cleansing
  • If your goal is to cleanse your intestines, combine the drink just presented with enough water. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to enjoy optimal digestive health.
  • During the detoxification period, avoid processed foods, sugars and fats. Consumption of these foods limits the beneficial effects of the juice.
  • Serve high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to control constipation.
  • If you are on medication, consult your doctor to make sure that this juice will not affect the absorption of the medications you are taking.

Is your abdomen inflamed? After eating, do you feel bloated or do you suffer from indigestion? If you experience such symptoms, most likely your intestines are loaded with toxins.

Try to prepare the juice presented in this article at home and you will be convinced of its benefits for digestive health.

If you still have discomfort, make an appointment with your doctor. Remember that although it is normal to be constipated from time to time, this symptom sometimes signals more serious problems.

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