Kisses And Hugs Are Important For Children

Hugs prove to your child that you love him and instill in him the confidence he needs. This gesture is essential to raise a healthy and emotionally balanced child.
Kisses and hugs are important for children

Few gestures are as comforting and positive energy as hugs. Many of the most beautiful and intense memories we have include those few seconds in which a loved one hugged us. Kisses and hugs are important for children.

For a child, kissing and hugging are not just simple physical actions. These gestures by which adults demonstrate their parental love help the little ones to grow, to develop their self-esteem and to feel safe. Thus, children become able to interact with the rest of the world.

A hug is very healthy. This gesture with therapeutic value costs nothing and should be “administered” daily, especially to our children.

Kisses and hugs are important for children and beneficial for the brain

An article published in Scientific American  revealed some very interesting information. According to researchers, one of the biggest problems for children in orphanages is that they do not have enough hugs and similar emotional gestures.

Although orphans can be well fed and cared for, they do not benefit from the interactions necessary for the harmonious development of the brain. Unfortunately, these children often grow up in the absence of a sense of security.

Early childhood, a key moment

These elements are indispensable for building new neural connections. They increase the volume and strength of the structures inside the brain.

  • When stress, fear and insecurity are high, certain parts of the brain do not develop enough. Among the affected regions is the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and emotions.
  • It has been shown that little ones who are raised in immunosuppressive environments (ie those who do not have enough disease and physical contact) may experience various problems. These include post-traumatic stress disorder, hyperactivity, low self-esteem and even aggressive behavior.
  • According to a study published in the journal Development and Psychopathology ( Development and psychopathology ) , children in orphanages in Romania in 1980 had a high level of emotional stress.

The stress experienced by these little ones appeared due to the emotional deprivation they were subjected to in the orphanages in our country. Emotional deprivation increases the level of cortisol in the blood, especially in the brain.

  • The effects of emotional deprivation were negative if the newborns spent the first eight months of their lives in such an environment. However, if the little ones were adopted within two to three months of entering the orphanage, any negative effects suffered could be reversed.
  • That study also revealed that
Hugs are important for young children

Kisses and hugs are important for children and are a form of universal communication

No gesture is as strong and healing as the embrace of a loved one. In the case of babies and children, hugs are indispensable. Here’s why:

  • Positive affection gestures (such as touching, kissing, and hugging) reduce stress levels.  In addition, they promote the formation of neural connections in babies.
  • Remember, hugs create connections between people.
  • In order for you and your child to have a stronger bond, hug him frequently since he is very young. It is possible that, as it grows, it will reject this practice. But in the first years of his life it is essential to hug your child a lot, so that you become attached to each other.
  • Experts say that by the age of three or four, children should receive kisses and hugs from their parents when they wake up. These gestures of affection are very strong if they are offered at the beginning and end of the little ones’ day.
  • As the child grows up, hugs can gain therapeutic value when he is angry, worried or afraid of something. Although hugs should not be offered only when we are pursuing a specific goal, there are certain situations when these gestures can increase the child’s sense of security.
Hugs are important for children

Hugs are important for children

Sometimes you will feel tired. We all know how hard and stressful it is to be a parent, especially if you have a job. However, you should never neglect the “emotional care” of your children.

A child does not only need food, clothes and education. Little ones need to hear positive words and receive help to overcome their fears and worries. We must strive to understand the moods and anxieties of our children. This is the only way we can help them understand their own emotional life.

Also, children immediately realize if a hug or a caress is insincere or if we make these gestures in a hurry. For this reason, we must always make time for our children.

No emotional gesture has a greater impact on a child than a kiss and a hug. We need to become experts in these gestures. In this way, we will be able to offer our children magical moments that they will never forget.

So when was the last time you hugged your baby? Never hesitate to make this gesture, hugs are important for children!

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