Liver And Toxin Accumulation – 9 Alarm Signals

Before you develop a very serious liver disease, your body will send you certain alarm signals that show that toxins have accumulated in excess in the liver.
Liver and accumulation of toxins - 9 alarm signals

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body. In size, it is surpassed only by the skin, and among its functions are some essential for maintaining the health of the body. In today’s article we invite you to discover nine symptoms for the accumulation of toxins, which in no way should you ignore.

Every day, the liver filters the blood in order to eliminate toxins and cells that the body no longer needs. This organ is also responsible for synthesizing carbohydrates and lipids.

Vitamins A, D, E and K are stored in the liver, which are essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. However, although it is an excretory organ, the excessive accumulation of toxins can inhibit the proper functioning of the liver, preventing it from performing its functions and altering the general state of health.

The liver is able to clean itself on its own, but this process is difficult if the organ is overworked. For this reason, it is essential to know the alarm signals that warn us that our liver must be detoxified.

9 alarm signals that the liver needs to be detoxified

1. Changes in the color of urine and faeces

Accumulation of toxins and alarm signals

Changing the color and smell of urine or feces may indicate the presence of several internal health problems. Although these symptoms can be caused by disorders of the urinary or intestinal system, they can indicate that our liver is sick.

If the body is properly hydrated, the color of the urine is generally light yellow. However, if you suffer from jaundice, your urine may be darker. Also, if the liver is overloaded with toxins, the feces may be lighter in color or even black.

2. Cramps and bloating

Although it is somewhat difficult to determine whether or not abdominal cramps and bloating are caused by a liver disorder, it is a mistake to neglect this possible cause.

Persistent cramps may indicate that the liver is not functioning properly and is unable to eliminate the waste. Also, overloading the liver with toxins can cause constant bloating, usually accompanied by intestinal gas.

3. Skin sensitivity

Itching can be a seamn regarding the accumulation of toxins

Accumulation of toxins in the liver almost always causes skin problems. Itching, irritation and dry skin seemingly without any explanation can signal that we have intoxicated liver. Although moisturizers can temporarily cure these symptoms, their cause is internal, which is why the problems will recur.

4. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disease that affects the digestive system and liver. Although this disorder is generally the result of a poor diet and the substances in certain nutrients, gastroesophageal reflux can also be caused by excessive accumulation of toxins in the liver.

5. Toxin accumulation and diarrhea

Diarrhea can have many causes, including liver or gallbladder disorders. However, if this problem occurs frequently and apparently for no reason, your liver may warn you that you need to detoxify it.

6. Feeling exhausted

Accumulation of toxins can cause fatigue

In addition to feeling tired, exhaustion involves weakness, lethargy and inability to perform daily tasks. If the liver is overloaded due to toxins, this organ will not filter the blood properly .

As a result, the cells will not be oxygenated properly.  Thus, the physical and mental performance of the affected person will decrease, and he will permanently feel the need to rest.

7. Sudden loss of appetite

Although it is normal in some situations to have a low appetite, you should not neglect this symptom. Many of us think that it is wonderful not to feel the need to eat as much food as usual. However, in just a few days, this symptom can cause nutritional deficiencies and other side effects.

8. Toxin accumulation and water retention

Accumulation of toxins can cause water retention

Water retention is a common problem among those suffering from kidney problems. But this symptom can also be caused by the accumulation of toxins.

In general, inflammation caused by water retention can affect the legs and other parts of the body. You can tell if an inflammation is the result of water retention if, when you press it with your fingers, you notice a mark that remains imprinted on the skin for a few seconds.

9. Yellow skin

Jaundice manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the skin and is the result of excessive accumulation of a substance called bilirubin, the pigment contained in iron. Iron is produced by the liver and plays a very important role in the digestive process.

When the liver has difficulty filtering toxins from the blood, bilirubin accumulates in the bloodstream, causing the skin to change color.

Are you currently experiencing any of the symptoms presented in this article? If you notice two or more symptoms, we advise you to start a detoxification treatment and consult your doctor.

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