Make A Hearty Breakfast For The Liver

By serving a breakfast that supplies us with all the essential nutrients, we can promote the proper functioning of the liver and its detoxification. Oats are an ideal option for the beginning of the day.
Make a hearty breakfast for the liver

In today’s article we offer you a simple, healthy and very interesting idea. We want to explain how you can take care of this organ, preparing a beneficial breakfast for the liver. Thus, it will work in optimal condition from the beginning of the day. Read on and remember!

Take some time to think about your liver. This is the largest internal organ in the body, weighing between 2.4 and 3 pounds (1-1.3 kilograms).

The liver contains about 13% of the total blood volume in the body and performs over 500 functions. What measures do you take every day to take care of your liver?

If you have ever suffered from liver disease, then you know that these health problems affect your quality of life. Fatigue, poor digestion, weakness, jaundice, abdominal pain and water retention are just some of the possible complications we experience when we have a sick liver.

We live our lives focusing on the outside world. Little by little, the pressure and worries in our environment negatively affect our body, including the internal organs that we tend to neglect.

A good breakfast for the liver

1. Say YES to the coffee

Two cups of coffee a day helps protect your liver

If you have ever wondered whether coffee is good for the liver or not, find out that the answer to this question is “yes”. According to a study conducted at two prestigious universities in the United Kingdom and published in 2015, consuming two cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver disease.

  • Due to its antioxidant content, coffee reduces the presence of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase in the blood. This enzyme is a biomarker used to detect cirrhosis.
  • Another benefit of coffee is that it reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and fights inflammation of liver cells.

Therefore, coffee has a protective effect on liver health. But avoid consuming this drink in excess. A cup of coffee every morning is enough to optimize the functioning of your liver for the rest of the day.

2. Serve garlic for breakfast

In other articles I talked about the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach. If you want to take care of your liver, do not neglect this healthy habit, which will do you much good.

  • Due to the sulfur compounds in its composition, garlic helps the body eliminate toxins.
  • Garlic has a significant content of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that fight inflammation and promote the body’s natural detoxification and metabolic processes.

3. Toast with extra virgin olive oil

Toast with olive oil is delicious, healthy and very popular in the Mediterranean region.

  • Opt for whole grain bread (like rye) and toast it as much as you want.
  • Drizzle a little olive oil on the slices of toast and serve. Your liver will be grateful for the fatty acids ingested, especially for oleic acid, which lowers LDL cholesterol and dilates the arteries.
  • The most powerful compound in the composition of olive oil is, without a doubt, the hydrophilic extract, which supports the healing and regeneration of cells.

4. Grapefruit

Fruits like grapefruit are good for your liver

Opt for red grapefruits. This variety is richer in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that has a stronger antioxidant effect than vitamins A and C, two other components of grapefruit.

Grapefruit will help your liver eliminate toxins and, due to the fatty acids in its composition, will repair inflamed liver cells. This benefit is due to a flavonoid called naringenin.

5. Oats fight fatty liver

Oats are a kind of cereal that should not be missing from your breakfast. It is very nourishing and purifying. Due to the amino acids in its composition, oats stimulate the production of lecithin in the liver.

  • Lecithin is an incredible organic substance that helps the body eliminate toxins.
  • Oats regulate blood sugar and provide a significant amount of plant proteins beneficial to liver health.

6. Lawyer

A little avocado is very beneficial for your liver

A great option for a liver-friendly breakfast is to spread half an avocado on a slice of rye bread. In addition to being delicious, this combination is very beneficial for health.

  • Avocado is rich in beta-sitosterol, a plant compound that lowers cholesterol.
  • In addition, this fruit contains healthy monounsaturated fats that reduce inflammation and improve digestion.
  • Last but not least, this tasty and soft fruit is rich in glutathione, another substance beneficial for liver health.

7. Beneficial breakfast for apple liver

You can eat apples any way you want: chopped, cut into pieces and combined with a little honey and cinnamon, sprinkled with dried fruit and brown sugar or served plain. Choose the option that you think is the tastiest. Apples can be a good breakfast for the liver due to the high concentration of antioxidants and pectin.

All the foods presented in this article help you take care of your liver starting with breakfast. Don’t forget to combine them with protein sources, such as eggs or turkey breast.

To have a healthy liver, it is not enough just to eat well. You need to eat a balanced diet and avoid empty fats and calories from processed foods and sugar. It is worth following these tips to protect your health!

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