Mature Woman’s Mind Is Amazing

At some point, the biological clock tells you that the time has come to take more care of yourself, to pursue your own happiness and to strive for that personal development that you have been postponing.
The mature woman's mind is amazing

Sylvia is a 48-year-old woman who woke up on a very determined morning. She said to herself, “That’s it, this is it, I want a divorce.” She was convinced that her husband was too preoccupied with himself and that their relationship had no future. The mature woman’s mind is amazing.

Sylvia realized that she had spent her whole life taking care of others. Thus, she surrounded herself with people who thought only of their own person. The fog that had settled over her eyes and prevented her from seeing what was happening around her suddenly dissipated.

Something, somehow changed, the strings of his heart tightened. Paradoxically, this woman realized that, for the first time in her life, she had to start taking care of herself. She set out to enjoy life, to give up everything that didn’t make her happy and to put things in order in her daily universe…

The mature woman's mind is surprising

The mature woman’s mind is amazing

The mind of a mature woman over 40 is like a time bomb in the last hormonal cycle. Every year, the woman nourishes and fertilizes her nervous connections. As a result, she has newer and more important thoughts, emotions and interests.

A woman’s brain is constantly changing throughout her life. His reality is not as stable as that of the man. It is said that it is as if a man’s brain resembles a mountain. Changes in its structure are almost imperceptible.

Mature and happy woman

The wonderful gift that represents the mind of the mature woman

As happened to Sylvia, thousands of women begin to analyze their own lives at some point. They examine all the elements and circumstances that brought them to where they are today. He wonders what they really want and what they can change.

This is because they want to fulfill their responsibilities without sacrificing themselves, their desires or concerns. To achieve this, women are beginning to take on certain risks that allow them to rediscover that path from which they deviated a long time ago.

That is why many women over the age of 40 begin to put their thinking in order. They feel more lucid and energetic and make the decision to deal with all the difficult situations and emotional demands in their lives.

The power of women

At a certain age, your reality begins to change, and everything seems much clearer and easier to solve. The power that a woman gains over the years is perfectly captured by Oprah Winfrey in the following statement:

The mind of the mature woman

What happens in a woman’s brain?

Hormones play a very important role in building your reality, because they influence the way you perceive your experiences, values ​​and desires.

After a certain age, the influence of hormones on the brain becomes more stable. In this way you manage to highlight your priorities without other interventions.

Throughout life, the variable concentration of estrogen in the brain directs you in multiple directions in terms of emotions, communication and empathy. That is why we make decisions that force us to understand and feel certain things.

Thus, according to neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine, we acquire “many unique abilities: extraordinary mental agility, the ability to engage deeply in a friendship, an almost supernatural ability to read and understand facial expressions and tone of voice to guess emotions and mood. of the people we interact with and an extraordinary ability to alleviate conflicts. ”

Women sitting with their backs to each other

Female hormones

At the age of 40-45 you cross the last race with this emotional roller coaster that characterizes a woman’s life. Due to changes in the brain, you begin to feel the need to be fair to yourself, proof that the mind of the mature woman is amazing.

Your biological clock triggers that alarm in the brain that signals that you must seek your own pleasure and well-being. It forces you to know yourself and to develop as a human being. You have been postponing this for social or biological reasons.

These hormonal impulses are characterized by fewer modulations of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the menstrual cycle ends.

Women of different ages

In this way, the machinery of the mind becomes more precise and more stable. The cerebral amygdala (the emotional center of the brain) no longer releases that fog that prevented you from seeing reality from an objective perspective. It sent you threatening signals every time you tried to do this.

In addition, the circuits that connect the regions where you process emotions (the amygdala and the limbic system) with the areas whose role is to analyze and judge the decisions made  (prefrontal cortex) are much more synchronized.


As there is no longer a disproportionate activation of the brain regions, most women become much more balanced. They are able to think much more clearly without feeling overwhelmed, which proves that the mature woman’s mind is amazing.

Moreover, dopamine and oxytocin secretions are regulated, allowing you to pay the most attention to yourself.

Reference materials: “The Female Brain”, Louann Brizendinne and “Physiology of Behavior”, Neil Carlson

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