Mediterranean Diet And Intestinal Health

The Mediterranean diet has become popular as a model of healthy eating. Recent studies also link this type of diet to better intestinal health. What does the evidence show? Find out everything in this article!
Mediterranean diet and intestinal health

In recent years, researchers have investigated the link between the Mediterranean diet and intestinal health. Although they have not yet explored the connection in depth, they have discovered some benefits, especially when it comes to the condition of the microbiota.

This group of bacteria and microorganisms lives in the digestive system and plays an important role in health. In fact, these bacteria are associated with the healthy functioning of the immune system and the proper metabolism of food, among other benefits.

What is the connection between the Mediterranean diet and intestinal health? Why do we recommend the Mediterranean diet?

In this article, we will answer these questions and many more about the benefits of this diet.

Diet and intestinal flora

Thus, when the intestinal flora is healthy, balanced and ready to perform these functions, its characteristics are the following:

  • It has the right amount of beneficial microorganisms.
  • There is no overgrowth of harmful microorganisms.
  • It has adequate microbial diversity.

Laura Bolte, lead researcher on a scientific study of the diet and intestinal microbiome, says: “… the results indicate that diet will become a significant and serious line of treatment or management of intestinal diseases by regulating the intestinal microbiome.”

The link between the Mediterranean diet and intestinal health
Scientific evidence indicates that the Mediterranean diet plays an important role in intestinal health.

A scientific study also associates this food model with better gut health. Published in the journal Gut, it concludes that adopting a Mediterranean diet for 1 year can contribute to:

  • Annihilation of bacteria associated with an inflammatory condition.
  • Reducing the presence of pro-inflammatory substances that have harmful effects on health.

What are the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet for intestinal health?

Mediterranean diet and intestinal health are correlated
The nutrients contained in some foods included in the Mediterranean diet are beneficial for the microbiota, because they have anti-inflammatory effects and act as prebiotics.

A series of compounds useful for colon health are formed, which serve as food for beneficial microorganisms. In general, scientific studies have found higher levels of short-chain fatty acids in the stool of people who regularly follow a Mediterranean diet.

  • The diversity of intestinal bacteria increases.

Woman drinking water
Hydration plays an important role in the health of the microbiota. It is also important to avoid stress and unhealthy habits.

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