Natural Remedy For Liver Cleansing

Prepare this natural remedy for cleansing the liver based on olive and lemon oil right at home. The fatty acids in olive oil and the antioxidants in lemon juice regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels, cleansing the liver and improving heart health.
Natural remedy for cleansing the liver

In today’s article we will talk about a natural remedy for liver cleansing that you can prepare very easily and quickly. The liver plays an important role in the body’s health. It filters the blood, cleanses and extracts toxic substances from the blood that could destroy healthy cells.

In addition, the liver is involved in the digestive process, helping to eliminate waste from the body that accumulates in different areas for various reasons. If you keep your liver healthy and ensure its optimal functioning, you will benefit from a higher level of energy, a better mood and a more beautiful skin.

If the liver has difficulty performing its tasks, the body will be intoxicated. In this case the whole body is affected and the quality of life is diminished.

Fortunately, there is a natural remedy for cleansing the liver that, in addition to revitalizing the liver, also offers other benefits to the body.

Find out from the following lines what are its benefits and how to prepare this natural remedy for cleansing the liver, olive oil with lemon, which helps the proper functioning of the liver and improves overall health.

Olive oil with lemon – a natural remedy for cleansing the liver

Extra virgin olive oil is a beneficial fat that should be included in moderation in a healthy diet. Its high content of essential fatty acids and antioxidants makes it one of the most beneficial foods for the body’s health.

What few know is that by combining olive oil with lemon juice, you get a blend with many benefits for your body. In the following we explain why this is such a good remedy.

It is beneficial for the liver and gallbladder

Natural remedy for cleansing the liver

Due to its detoxifying properties, this natural remedy for cleansing the liver, facilitates its functions and prevents the accumulation of waste. Also. it is also beneficial for the gallbladder.

This is an excellent solution if you feel that these two organs are inflamed and do not work properly, because this remedy eliminates the toxins that cause these symptoms.

In addition, olive oil and lemon stimulate digestion and reduce the level of acid in the body, preventing various ailments and discomforts.

Helps prevent cardiovascular disease

The essential fatty acids in olive oil, along with the antioxidants in lemon, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides.

Due to these important effects, daily consumption of the above-mentioned remedy improves the circulation and functioning of the heart. It lowers the risk of developing serious conditions such as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke.

Cares for skin, hair and nails

Natural remedy with olive oil

The high content of antioxidants in olive oil and lemon acts as a protective shield against free radical damage, the main cause of premature aging of the skin and hair.

Both ingredients are rich in essential nutrients that strengthen the nails and stimulate their growth. Due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, they are an effective treatment against skin problems and dandruff.

How to prepare the remedy with olive and lemon oil

Lemons and olive oil

This remedy with olive and lemon oil does not require other ingredients. It is a powerful blend that heals and rejuvenates the whole body.


  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (5 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (16 g)


  • Every day before breakfast, mix the olive oil with the lemon juice and drink immediately.
  • Wait at least half an hour before serving breakfast.
  • To detoxify your liver, consume this mixture every day for a month.
  • This remedy can also be used to improve digestion and lower cholesterol.
  • You can follow the treatment several times a year, whenever you need it.

If you want to use it for aesthetic purposes, the procedure is the same. However, you may need a larger amount, depending on how you use it.

Remember that you must follow the recommended dose. Exceeding this amount can be counterproductive.

After a month of treatment, you will feel the positive effects of this natural remedy for cleansing the liver. From then on, it is important to continue to follow a healthy diet to prevent other liver problems.

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