Natural Skin Cleansing Remedy

In addition to removing dead cells, the following natural remedy for cleansing the skin prevents acne and other skin imperfections. Don’t hesitate to try it!
Natural remedy for cleansing the skin

Do you need a natural remedy for cleansing the skin? The use of skin cleansing products is one of the most important steps in the beauty routines of women and men. The role of these products is to eliminate residues that tend to accumulate on the surface of the skin and in its pores.

Among other things, the application of skin cleansing products prevents the appearance of blemishes and other unsightly imperfections. In addition, due to the nutrients provided, they are ideal for protecting the skin against the negative effects of free radicals.

The problem is that commercial treatments can be very expensive and often contain chemicals that cause unwanted side effects. For this reason, many people have started to use natural alternatives, which are cheap and offer similar results to classic products, but without causing side effects.

In today’s article we present you a recipe with baking soda and coconut oil. These 2 ingredients are famous for their skin benefits. Are you willing to try the following 100% natural remedy?

A natural remedy for cleansing the skin with baking soda and coconut oil

By combining baking soda with coconut oil, we get a natural remedy for cleansing the skin that, unlike commercial variants, does not contain aggressive chemicals.

The product below is compatible with any skin type. By including it in your beauty routine, your face will look smoother and healthier. The ingredients needed to prepare it regulate the skin’s pH, an important aspect if you want to prevent excessive oil production and imperfections.

The benefits of baking soda

Bicarbonate that can be included in a natural remedy for cleansing the skin

Baking soda has multiple medicinal and cosmetic uses, known for hundreds of years.

  • Its astringent properties facilitate the cleansing of the skin, reducing excessive sebum production and the accumulation of dead cells.
  • This product can easily penetrate the pores of the face, helping to eliminate blackheads.
  • Its alkaline action balances the pH of the face, preventing allergic reactions, infections and other skin problems.
  • Baking soda has a mild whitening effect, which can reduce the appearance of stains and scars.
  • The nutrients in its composition stimulate cellular activity and prevent the signs of premature aging.

The benefits of coconut oil

Oils included in a natural remedy for cleansing the skin

Nowadays coconut oil is without a doubt one of the most popular cosmetics.

  • It stands out due to its significant content of medium chain fatty acids, which moisturize the skin without affecting its production of natural oils.
  • Contains high quality protein needed to stimulate facial regeneration.
  • Although it has an oily texture, it does not alter the action of the sebaceous glands and does not cause pimples.
  • Its antibacterial agents clean the pores and prevent the appearance of spots caused by microbes.
  • Coconut oil has a high level of antioxidants. As soon as they are absorbed into the skin, they counteract the negative effects of sunlight and toxins.
  • It is ideal for deep cleansing of the face, removing makeup and dust residues that tend to accumulate on the surface of the skin.

How to prepare this natural remedy for cleansing the skin

Natural remedy for cleansing the skin with coconut oil

Preparing the natural remedy for cleansing the skin will not take much time and will help you save money. The ingredients you need can be found in any supermarket or plafar. But make sure they are 100% environmentally friendly.


  • ½ cup (75 g) of baking soda
  • 1 cup (200 g) of organic coconut oil


  • A heat resistant container
  • A wooden spoon
  • A jar with a lid

Method of preparation

  • Pour the coconut oil into a temperature-resistant container and heat it in a bain-marie.
  • As soon as it has melted, add the baking soda and mix with a wooden spoon.
  • Make sure the remedy is homogeneous, then let it sit at room temperature.
  • Finally, pour the remedy into a glass jar with a lid and store it in a cool, dry place.

Application method

  • Spread the required amount of remedy on the face with gentle circular motions.
  • If you want, you can apply this remedy on other regions, such as the neck or chest.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • To deeply cleanse your skin, use this product 3 times a week.
  • Preferably, apply it at night.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare your own natural remedy for skin cleansing. The necessary ingredients are very affordable.

The main advantage of the product presented in this article is that it protects the skin against impurities without emptying your wallet.

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