Oatmeal For Breakfast

Can we prevent type II diabetes with oats? Soluble oat fiber helps digest starch and balance blood sugar.
Oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal – whole grains of the healthiest and most delicious.  They are preferred by people all over the world due to their nutritional value and the energy they provide. Over time, people from different civilizations and cultures have used oats. We will find out the 10 incredible benefits of an oat breakfast. 

Oatmeal has more protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and nutrients than any other cereal. Besides, we find them all year round, at a reasonable price. Do you need other reasons to eat oatmeal every day?

Helps balance cholesterol levels

Oatmeal contains a fiber compound called beta-glucan which, according to some studies, is indicated for people suffering from cholesterol. Use oatmeal to prepare breakfast and your cholesterol will return to normal.

It is an antioxidant

Oatmeal for the heart

Oatmeal has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals that come from bad cholesterol. This is very important and plays a vital role in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Strengthens the immune system

The beta-glucan we find in oats is the best tool of the immune system in the fight against viruses and bacteria that cause infections. If you eat oatmeal every day you will help strengthen immunity and protect the body against pathogens.

Contributes to the cure of diabetes

Oatmeal for diabetes

People who regularly eat oatmeal are less likely to develop type II diabetes. Soluble oat fiber helps patients with diabetes because it stimulates the digestion of starch and thus regulates blood sugar levels, especially after meals.

Improves digestion

When we say that oatmeal helps digestion, it means that they prevent the appearance of problems such as constipation. Soluble fiber also helps reduce gastric acid and bile, but also its toxicity.

It gives a feeling of satiety

Oatmeal for satiety

One of the reasons why it is advisable to eat oatmeal for breakfast is that it gives the feeling of satiety longer and you do not feel like “nibbling” something all the time. This sensation is due to complex carbohydrates, which are also called slow-absorbing carbohydrates.

It is anticancer

Oatmeal contains lignans and phytoestrogens, two essential ingredients that help prevent cancer-related hormonal activity. Therefore, menopausal women are advised to eat oats. The results of research have shown its important role in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Helps treat asthma

Oats have an effect similar to that of cough syrup, recommended for those suffering from cough or bronchitis. Research has shown that whole oatmeal can reduce the risk of asthma in children by up to 50%. This study introduced fish in the diet, and the combined use of fish and oats to a reduction in risk of becoming asthmatic by 50% and the risk of narrowing of the bronchi by 80%.

Protects the heart

Oatmeal for ima

Lignans from oatmeal or other cereals are phytochemicals assimilated by the body through digestion, which help protect the heart against various specific diseases.

It has a diuretic effect

Consumption of oatmeal helps eliminate uric acid from the body and increases the amount of urine. This property also fights gout or other conditions related to fluid retention.

How can we eat oatmeal for breakfast?

We know that there are many ways you can eat oatmeal for breakfast, but we will present a simple recipe through which you can assimilate their benefits. This way, you will have a wonderful start to the day.


  • 1/2 cup whole ground oatmeal
  • 6 almonds
  • 2 nuts
  • 1 tablespoon filled with chia seeds
  • Bee honey or stevia
  • 1 teaspoon of raisins
  • A coconut or almond milk

How is it prepared?

  • Choose a suitable bowl and put oatmeal up to half of it, then add a tablespoon of chia seeds.
  • Stir, then add almond or coconut milk until almost full, but leave room for the other ingredients.
  • Add the rest and cover the bowl. Put it in the fridge and leave it overnight. The next day you can add a little more milk.

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