Oatmeal Smoothie Recipes

Oatmeal smoothies are healthy and tasty. Discover some simple and quick recipes below. 
Oatmeal smoothie recipes

In addition to the fact that they are very healthy, the oatmeal smoothie recipes presented below will delight your taste buds. In addition, these drinks are very refreshing and help to lose weight.

 What is oats?

Oats are a cereal rich in phosphorus, fiber, zinc, manganese, vitamin B1 and magnesium. Consumed on an empty stomach, it stimulates intestinal transit, improves digestion, prevents cancer and lowers blood fat levels.

In addition, oats are an excellent choice for diabetics or people with insulin resistance.

Oat milk is a vegetable drink obtained by processing in a blender a mixture of oatmeal and water. You can get some delicious oatmeal smoothies if you enrich the nutritional value of this cereal by mixing it with fruit.

Oatmeal smoothie recipes

1. Oat milk 

How to make oat milk


  • 1 liter of water
  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal (70 g)

Method of preparation

  • Process the oats in the blender with water.
  • Strain and store the liquid.

You can add the remaining paste in natural yogurt, sweetening the mixture with honey. Another option is to mix it with other cereals or consume it as such.

Smoothie with oat milk, strawberries and bananas


  • 1 banana (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Bee honey (to taste)
  • 3 large strawberries (50 g)
  • 1 handful of muesli (120 g)
  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal (70 g)

Method of preparation

  • Make oat milk and set it aside.
  • Wash the strawberries well, discard the leaves and stalks and cut them into pieces.
  • Peel a banana, grate it and cut it into small pieces.
  • Process the fruit with oat milk in a blender.
  • Sweeten with honey. 
  • Serve with a little müsli on top.

Oatmeal and banana smoothie


  • ½ cup of low-fat natural yogurt (100 ml)
  • 1 banana cut into small pieces (50 g)
  • ½ cup of skim milk (100 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (30 g)
  • ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon (5 g)
  • ¼ cup of oatmeal (50 g)

Method of preparation

  • Process all ingredients in the blender at maximum speed.
  • Serve the cold smoothie.

Smoothie with oats, bananas and butter

Oatmeal recipe with bananas


  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed or flour (10 g)
  • 2 cups cold almond milk (400 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons flour or oatmeal (30 g)
  • 1 banana cut into small pieces (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (10 g)
  • ¼ cup of butter (50 g)

Method of preparation

  • Process all ingredients in the blender at maximum speed.
  • Serve the cold smoothie.

Smoothie with oats and berries

Ingredients for oat milk

  • ¼ cup of oatmeal (50 g)
  • ¾ cup of skim milk (150 ml)
  • 1 cup of chia or flax seeds (30 g)
  • ½ tablespoon almond extract (5 g)

How to prepare oat milk

  • Process all ingredients in the blender at maximum speed.
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and keep it in the fridge for at least 5 hours.

Smoothie ingredients 

  • 1 large banana (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon (10 g)
  • 4 – 5 strawberries or blueberries (60 g)
  • ½ cup of skim milk (100 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Process all ingredients in a blender.
  • Add the milk you put in the fridge.
  • Serve the cold drink.

Smoothie with oats, ginger and pears


  • Banana (20 g)
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 pear (with shell) (40 g)
  • ½ cup of boiled oatmeal (100 g)
  • 1 cup skim milk or yogurt (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil (optional) (10 g)
  • ½ teaspoon fresh, chopped ginger (5 g)

Method of preparation

  • Process all ingredients in the blender for 10 minutes.
  • Serve the cold smoothie. In this way, the fruit will taste better and so will the smoothie. The same goes for previous smoothies.

Smoothie with pears and bananas

With to prepare smoothie with oat milk, bananas and pears


  • 1 ripe pear (40 g)
  • 2 ripe bananas (80 g)
  • 5 tablespoons sugar (50 g)
  • 2¼ cups of oat milk (600 ml)
  • ¼ cup of water or ice cubes (100 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Cut the banana and pear into small pieces.
  • Process the sugar and water or ice cubes in a blender. The texture will be slightly coarse. In winter, you can skip the ice cubes. Don’t worry, the lack of this ingredient will not change the taste of the drink.
  • Gradually add the milk while processing the smoothie.
  • Serve cold.

Oatmeal and soy smoothie


  • 1 cup soy milk (200 ml)
  • 1 banana cut into small pieces (40 g)
  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal (80 g)
  • Cinnamon (to taste)
  • Bee honey (to taste)

Method of preparation

  • Process all ingredients in the blender for 5 minutes.
  • Serve cold. The mixture of soy, bananas, oats and honey is very rich in nutrients. All these ingredients are beneficial for the body.

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