Properties And Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are tubers that have special nutritional properties. It is also an ingredient that you can add to various dishes. Discover their health benefits!
Properties and benefits of sweet potatoes

The nutritional properties of sweet potatoes

Bowl of sweet potato salad
Sweet potato has useful nutritional properties for all segments of the population.

What are the benefits of sweet potatoes?

Due to their vitamin C content, sweet potatoes can help prevent bleeding and make wound healing more efficient. This has to do with the fact that this compound acts on the healing process.

In fact, studies suggest that humans have used the sweet yellow potato since ancient times to treat diseases related to this nutrient. Its vitamin C content is combined with that of beta-carotene to accelerate the action of fibroblasts.

If you eat them regularly and as part of a balanced diet, sweet potatoes are a food with a cardioprotective effect. In other words, they prevent damage to the heart muscles and blood vessels. This is due to their content of vitamin B6, which helps to slow down the hardening of arteries and other blood vessels.

Also, consumption of sweet potatoes lowers blood pressure due to their potassium content. This mineral has been shown to have a positive effect among hypertensive patients, as opposed to sodium.

As already mentioned, sweet potatoes contain antioxidants. Their function is to prevent cell damage by free radicals. This reduces the inflammatory processes that take place constantly in the body.

In fact, the study “Foods with anti-inflammatory effect” points out that these compounds could be oncological protectors. Therefore, it could reduce the development of cancer of the breast, prostate, colon and skin. All these pathologies are related to chronic inflammation.

Because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, one of the benefits of sweet potatoes is that they help improve digestion. These components speed up intestinal transit, preventing constipation and associated symptoms.

Fiber also reduces intestinal absorption of cholesterol and has a strong satiety-inducing effect. In this way, it regulates blood sugar, a key element in the dietary plans of diabetics and in the prevention of metabolic syndromes.

How to cook sweet potatoes in 3 easy ways

Fortunately, you can cook sweet potatoes in many ways, including fried, pureed, quiche, soup and more. All these recipes allow you to enjoy the benefits of sweet potatoes. With this in mind, we want to share with you three of our favorite sweet potato dishes.

The benefits of baked sweet potatoes
Healthy chips are an option for snacking between meals.

The benefits of sweet potatoes: conclusions

Consumption of this tuber brings many health benefits. For this reason, we recommend that you incorporate it more often in your diet. Also, sweet potato is a versatile food that can be added to both sweet and savory dishes.

At the same time, do not forget that in addition to eating sweet potatoes, you should follow a healthy diet and have an active life. As long as you adopt a health care and disease prevention plan, foods such as sweet potatoes will be easy to include in your diet.

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