Salt In The Body – Remedies And Prevention

In addition to drinking plenty of water, did you know that parsley can help cleanse your kidneys? Their role is to filter the salt out of the blood.
Salt in the body - remedies and prevention

Over time, researchers have shown that salt in the body can have some serious negative effects on health. And the most worrying thing is that the world consumes too much salt.

It is true that our body needs salt, or sodium, to function properly, but that does not mean that we can make excess salt in the body. In fact, experts say that it is preferable to exclude salt from the diet and bring a sodium intake from other foods.

Excessive salt consumption can cause serious health problems with the passage of time – such as heart disease, stroke and others. Salt in the body is also the reason why our hands and feet swell and we retain water in the body.

Fortunately, you can give up this harmful habit of adding salt to food and get rid of that accumulated in the body.

How to get rid of salt accumulated in the body

Eliminates salt from the body
  • Drink more water : experts recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. Paradoxically, the consumption of water can eliminate the excess fluid retained by the body. This way you can get rid of salt in your urine. This simple habit contributes to the body’s detoxification process, keeps you hydrated and reduces tissue swelling.
  • Eliminate salt from your diet : Although for many people, salt is a very important ingredient in any recipe, you should also look for alternatives that give flavor to food. Of course you can use small amounts of salt, especially in home-cooked food.
  • But do not forget that there is salt, and even a large amount, in sausages, preserves, soups, frozen food, and more. Instead of eating such foods, it is better to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They will eliminate salt from the body.
  • Replace salt with other spices: You can give up salt consumption much easier if you replace it with other, healthier spices. Examples would be garlic, black pepper, curry, parsley, oregano and rosemary.
  • Exercise : we recommend that you exercise every day, through which you sweat. When you walk, dance, ride a bike, run or go to the sauna, your body removes impurities and excess salt through perspiration. But don’t forget to always have a bottle of water when you make an effort.

Parsley to remove salt from the body

Parsley juice

Parsley is well-known for its ability to cleanse the kidneys and stimulate the elimination of toxins in the urine. You certainly know that the kidneys play a very important role in detoxifying the body. These organs are responsible for filtering excess salt from the blood, along with other toxic substances that reach the body.

What good is parsley?

To benefit from the power of parsley to cleanse the kidneys, you just need to make a tea. You need a handful of chopped parsley leaves and a liter of water. Boil the parsley for 10 minutes. Drink this tea on an empty stomach. Store the rest in a glass container in the refrigerator so you can drink it several times a day.

And don’t forget!

  • To fully benefit from the properties of this tea, we recommend that you follow the tips above. Remember to drink this liquid for several days.
  • Parsley tea helps to detoxify the body and eliminate excess salt. It is also a very good remedy against water retention, prevents high blood pressure and facilitates weight loss. Of course, all this is possible if, and only if, you have a healthy lifestyle.

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