Self-love: 7 Signs That You Don’t Love Yourself Enough

You can’t expect others to appreciate you when you don’t love yourself. If you want the people around you to change their attitude towards you, start loving yourself more.
Self-love: 7 signs that you don't love yourself enough

Life is short, which is why there is no point in wasting our time worrying about how others perceive us. Constantly seeking the approval of those around us, we become fearful people who have forgotten who they are and what they want. Self-love is impossible in this situation.

The moment we realize that our happiness has begun to depend on those around us, it is time to analyze our lives and conceptions. We definitely need to make some changes.

Self-love is impossible if you do not accept yourself

If you cannot accept yourself as you are and constantly try to become a completely different person, you will never be able to discover self-love. You made the mistake of centering your life around the opinions of others and you lost yourself.

In today’s article we invite you to discover some alarm signals that show that you do not love yourself enough, so that you know whether or not to make a change. Are you in any of the points below?

Self-love does not mean selfishness

1. You are not free to be yourself

By always trying to please others, you will most likely run out. Although it doesn’t seem hard to be malleable, it’s much easier to be who you really are than to try to embody a fictional character.

If you are not sure that you currently have the opportunity to be yourself, with flaws and qualities, try to analyze your behavior. For example, do you spend a lot of time in the company of other people? Do you intentionally avoid being alone?

If your answer to these questions is “yes”, the reality is that you are dissatisfied with yourself and turn to the authority of others to avoid “mistakes” or change. For this reason, when you are alone, you feel bad. But self-love is impossible if you fail to find out who you really are.

2. You are afraid to express your thoughts

Have you ever felt so shy during a conversation that you avoided expressing your opinion because it was different from others? If you find yourself in this example, you may try to “model” yourself on the image of the people in your life, even if what you believe is contrary to their ideas.

If you don’t speak, you can’t be heard. The others will ignore you and not take you seriously. You have to have the courage to be and think differently. If you have low self-esteem, try to fix this problem.

Your opinions are as valuable as the opinions of others. If you have the impression that there are only wrong ideas in your head, you are wrong! Express your thoughts directly and stand out. What you think is more important than you suspect.

3. You criticize yourself excessively

It is not out of the question to be so demanding of yourself that, without realizing it, you become incapable of advancing. Somehow, you find various ways to “punish” yourself for everything that doesn’t work out, ignoring the fact that mistakes are actually opportunities for learning.

Stop criticizing yourself so harshly. Appreciate all your achievements so far, no matter how small they are and celebrate even when you think it is not the case. Only in this way will you be able to discover self-love.

4. It’s been a long time since you’ve taken care of yourself

Self-love is impossible if you do not accept yourself

Each of us needs to feel good about ourselves. Otherwise, it means that we do not take care of ourselves properly. If we have adopted certain behaviors that hurt us (for example, neglecting clothing or eating unhealthy foods), it is time to make a change.

Self-love involves dressing nicely to please yourself, eating healthy to be well. You have to do these things for yourself, not for others.

No one else can love you as much as you love yourself, so it is a mistake to leave your well-being in the hands of others. When you start taking proper care of yourself, you will truly discover self-love.

5. You are unable to motivate yourself

Without motivation, the chances of fulfilling your goals and dreams are minimal. You will never get what you want if you do not trust your abilities and do not give yourself a dose of motivation every day.

You will probably fail once or twice and there will certainly be people who will not support you. However, it is essential to trust yourself and try to get everything you want out of life. Don’t let others discourage you. Self-love means centering your life around your dreams.

6. You don’t trust yourself enough

Self-confidence is as important as the motivation mentioned above. If you are untrustworthy, all your efforts will fail. Have you ever wondered what you are capable of? Did you appreciate all your achievements, including the seemingly minor ones?

Self-love means trusting yourself and not allowing anyone to discourage you. You can get anything you want, as long as you look at your mistakes as learning opportunities. It’s not hard at all, is it?

7. You are not open to others honestly

Self-love means always being honest with yourself

Due to the circumstances, you may be reluctant when it comes time to be completely open with the people in your life. Unconsciously, you surround yourself with protective armor that actually makes you weaker.

If you do not give yourself completely to others, if you do not open yourself and do not allow yourself to love, you will never discover what it means to be loved in your turn. You deserve to be loved as much as any other person, and self-love is the most valuable form of love you can have.

Sometimes it will be hard for you to trust yourself. In fact, it is possible to feel that you do not deserve to be loved. This is exactly why you suffer. You have to accept that you are wrong and try to find a solution.

Your life is at stake. You can choose to protect your feelings and dreams or let them be destroyed. Start taking care of yourself and appreciating yourself more. The road is not easy, but it is worth the effort. If you lack self-love in your life, then it’s time to make a change.

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