Small Things Make A Difference

Often we only realize when it is too late that it is not the extraordinary things that are most important, but rather the small things and the people around us.
Little things make a difference

Ten out of ten people love the little things in life. These details do not need important data or clichés and are part of our daily lives, helping us to move forward. It gives us reasons to be grateful and teaches us how to care for loved ones.

That’s because small things have the biggest impact. They prove the inner strength of a person and paint smiles on the faces of loved ones. The small details are always the most important because they help us to develop as people and to be better every day.

Little things make us love life

Little things make us love life

We fall in love with the little things because they make a difference and give color to life. They reflect the greatness of people and our ability to love constantly and unconditionally.

The truth is that every second and every little thing we have is like winning the lottery. For example, the fact that we wake up every day with our loved one. The moments when we get a fit of laughter, the conversations until 3 in the morning or the image of the sunset.

Important are all the details that keep us alive every day. But you only realize this when you lose something or when something is wrong. This last aspect is very significant because every time something bad happens, there is still a piece of life that is born in our souls.

Little things for great moments

Little things bring us happiness

Following a diet, going to the gym, being productive at work are wonderful daily goals, but one more important thing is missing: you have to become a collector of emotional moments. 

This is because the emotionally charged moments are the ones that fill our lives with happiness. In order to get used to taking this aspect into account, you can keep a diary in which to write down if on that day you had a special moment that mirrored your emotions and feelings.

After a few days of recording these situations, you will be surprised to find that you have become much more attentive to your relationships. Thanks to this effort, you will strengthen your ties with your loved ones, and in time you will realize that this has really made a difference.

Keeping a journal also helps create a “love map” for the people around you. Your brain will store this information, and you will be more familiar with the details of their lives.

Small things strengthen relationships with others

Details to be marked in the “love map”

In the following we present a list of small details that the psychologist John Gottman proposes to keep in mind when it comes to a loved one:

  • Favorite food.
  • Favorite movies, shows and books.
  • The names of at least two people he deeply admires.
  • Favorite animals.
  • The ideal vacation spot.
  • The first thing he would buy if he won the lottery.
  • Something you could do to improve your relationship with him / her.
  • What he / she would like to change about you.
  • How he prefers to spend the afternoon at home.
  • What is the activity in which he / she feels most competent.
  • What are his secret ambitions.
  • What he would like to improve in his own person.
  • Which is his favorite restaurant.
  • What kind of literature do you prefer.
  • What is his favorite activity when he is sick?
  • What would be the ideal gift she would like to receive on her birthday.
  • What worries or stresses him / her at the moment.
  • What is his favorite way to get your attention.
  • Which is his biggest unfulfilled dream.
  • What exactly does she feel most proud of?

And men love the little things

And men appreciate the little things

Many people live with the impression that men are not interested in small things. They do not seem to appreciate simple or subtle things and consider some of them a waste of time. But in reality, they also love the small details, just like us.

And they deserve little evidence of hopeful love, such as words, kisses, or spontaneous hugs. And they deserve to be surprised because they deserve love too.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you have to value the people around you. In this sense, it is a good idea to become a fine observer of the details and to pay special attention to them.

It is absolutely necessary to make your loved ones feel special. Show them that they are important in your life because everyday problems sometimes make us forget to prove our affection and show those around us that they are indispensable for us. In this way you maintain strong love.

Note to reader:

  • If you are interested in finding out how you can improve communication with others, read John M. Gottman and Joan DeClaire. Their books are very interesting and can be very helpful.
  • Photo source: Puuung.

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