Snoring Affects Our Health

Snoring is not just a problem that keeps us from sleeping at night. If your life partner is snoring, it is very likely that bedtime will always be an occasion for anxiety. Is there any remedy you can try to remedy this problem and be able to rest again?
Snoring affects our health

We often hear about how men tend to snore, but did you know that sleep apnea is a fairly common problem among women as well? In addition to the fact that many people face this inconvenience, snoring affects our health.

Many snoring women have difficulty sleeping, living in fear that they will disturb their life partner’s sleep. At the same time, they are well aware that snoring causes morning fatigue, irritability and headaches. But what can we do to keep the snoring out of our lives?

Snoring affects our health in our daily lives

Snoring at night affects at least 20% of the world’s population. As we all know, this problem can easily become a reason for a quarrel within a couple.

Many people tend to aggravate the situation by refusing to admit that they are really snoring or minimizing the impact of this on their partner.

Noisy and regular snoring can cause fatigue, but also frequent headaches, physical discomfort, irritability, stress or high blood pressure. Gradually, this problem favors the development of much more serious diseases.

If the snoring person does not seek professional help and refuses to admit that he or she has a problem, his or her health may deteriorate. We have to accept that snoring is not just something “we all do when we sleep at night.”

What are the causes of snoring?

Snoring affects our health, what are its causes

Snoring affects our health, it is an alarm signal that there is something wrong in the body. When we snore, we lose a certain amount of energy.

Many doctors call snoring “internal fever”, considering that this problem is an indication of our general health.

  • Snoring is caused by a narrowing of the airways that allow air to enter the lungs. This narrowing obstructs the proper inhalation of air with oxygen and causes a pathological condition called hypoxia. Due to the fact that the body does not get enough air, a vibration occurs, and this produces that annoying noise called snoring.
  • If at some point the amount of air entering the lungs is not enough (ie exactly what happens when we do not breathe for a short time), we face the so-called “sleep apnea”.
  • In general, sleep apnea is the main cause of snoring. But snoring can also be a consequence of nasal polyps, the anatomical structure of the septum and the palatal arch or even allergies. If you snore frequently, you will need to consult your doctor to get a correct diagnosis.
  • Sleep apnea is not to be ignored. When we suffer from this condition, our lungs do not receive oxygen for a few seconds. The brain is forced to force the respiratory muscles to make an extra effort to get air, which causes snoring.
  • In the long run, sleep apnea can become chronic, causing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart failure, type II diabetes and even stroke.

Snoring affects our health – tips to combat it

Snoring affects our health and married life

First of all, we must accept that snoring affects our health, which is a symptom of a disorder in the body.

There is a difference between snoring for a week due to a cold or allergy, snoring when we take a nap in the middle of the afternoon and snoring every night.

Consult your doctor if your life partner has been snoring for some time. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, be sure to follow all the instructions you receive.

The tips we are going to present to you can help you if snoring is a problem that only affects you sometimes. Remember:

  • Monitor your weight carefully, as obese people tend to snore at night.
  • If you smoke, quit this habit right away! Airway obstruction can be caused by tobacco use. Snoring, coughing and poor health are problems that affect many smokers.
  • Always sleep on your side. A simple trick to sleep like this is to put a tennis ball in your back. Thus, every time you turn your back on your sleep, the ball will bother you and you will turn to one side again.
  • Establish a rigorous meal and sleep schedule. Routine is good for the body.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of water and, if necessary, use a saline solution to decongest your nose. Your nasal mucosa will no longer be so dry and you will no longer snore.
  • Change your pillow frequently. Often the accumulation of mites can cause allergies or dry the nose.

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