Some Of The Traits Of Assertive People

It is essential to know when you need to say that you are tired of a certain situation.
Some of the traits of assertive people

When was the last time you raised your voice and said “I’m tired”? It is not always easy to say these words. In today’s article we invite you to reflect a little on this topic and discover some of the basic features of assertive people.

People can change over time — including ourselves. Our personality, values ​​and attitudes can change so that we can adapt more easily to the challenges that come our way.

The inability to change when necessary has a strong impact on our emotional health. Instead of being afraid of change, we need to see it as an opportunity to gain happiness, inner peace, and well-being.

The traits of assertive people – the courage to say what you think

If we spend a few minutes analyzing our daily behavior, we will find that we tend to say “yes” much more often than “no” – often even when “no” is the answer we would like to offer.

When we were children, we were told to be polite, to say “yes” when asked, to be thankful, and to be kind in any situation. Although this behavior is noble and helps you to be a better person, learn to be assertive. In the following we will show you why.

The traits of assertive and emotionally healthy people

The traits of assertive people and their importance

First of all, being assertive means defending your own rights, opinions and needs in a respectful way, taking into account your interlocutor.

  • It’s not easy to do that. To become more assertive, you must first set your limits and protect your self-esteem.
  • In order to be able to defend your personal limits, you have to figure out what they are.
  • To be assertive means to respect others, but also to ask to be respected in your turn, to know how to listen, but also to clearly express your needs, preferences and dissatisfaction.
  • You don’t have to be afraid of the personal pronoun “I” (“I don’t agree to talk like that about me”, “I can’t stand this situation that hurts me anymore”, “I feel that you underestimate me and don’t respect me” ).

The traits of assertive people and the consequences of the act of saying, “I’m tired!”

Any change is accompanied by fear and insecurity. When faced with such a situation, we cannot help but imagine the possible consequences of our actions.

  • Learn to be assertive in the family sphere. This can be a little more difficult because the negative reaction of our interlocutor can be accompanied by rejection.
  • When you say “I’m tired!” at work, you risk losing your job.
  • If your child is behaving inappropriately and you say “I’m tired!”, He or she may doubt your love.
  • The negative consequences scare us all, but we must not let them become levers in our lives. Instead of imagining what will happen and how you will react when you are in a potentially negative situation, have the courage and be assertive.
  • It is often more dangerous to remain in a negative situation than to be assertive and say, “I’m tired!” Although you may not believe it, assertiveness will open new doors for you and help you be happier.


The traits of assertive people and the values ​​they are guided by

The traits of assertive people and their values

Our emotional integrity is closely linked to our ability to act in accordance with our own values ​​and beliefs. If we get used to giving up and living our lives just to please others, at some point we will not be able to recognize ourselves when we look in the mirror.

  • This is not a way of life. Indeed, it is impossible to get absolutely everything we want and to freely express our thoughts and feelings in any situation.
  • But we must be consistent, follow our principles, and respect others and ourselves.
  • In order to be able to live with other people, we need to consider their needs. At the same time, it is imperative that we do not ignore what we feel deep down.
  • Our dignity and inner peace are not optional. If we put ourselves in the background in our own lives and allow others to trample on us, our self-esteem and self-image will be compromised.

Don’t neglect your values. Listen to your inner voice and don’t be afraid to be assertive and say “I’m tired!” when appropriate. People change, but not overnight. Change is a gradual process, made up of many small steps that help us grow and mature.

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