Swelling Of The Neck: Causes

A swelling in the throat can cause symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or hoarseness. Read on to find out more!
Swelling of the neck: causes

When a person notices a swelling in the neck, he worries excessively. After all, the first thing that comes to mind is cancer. However, there are many other causes that can cause this symptom. Not all swellings in the neck are malignant. For example, they can be caused by an infection, a cyst or a benign tumor.

The main cause of swelling in the throat is inflammation of the lymph nodes. These are round structures that are part of the immune system, distributed throughout the body. The lymph nodes help the body recognize and fight infections and tend to swell often. This is a common and temporary situation.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about swelling in the neck.

Swelling of the neck: causes

  • An infection nearby, for example, a throat infection or a cold. This is very common, especially in children. Mononucleosis, dental abscesses and tonsillitis are also worth mentioning.
  • An infection of the lymph nodes, also called lymphadenitis.
  • Systemic diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis.

Similarly, certain medications can increase the size of the lymph nodes. A swelling in the throat can also be caused by a cyst, which is a sac full of fluid. Cysts are very easy to identify because many of them are present from birth. Another possible cause is a problem with the salivary glands.

A more serious cause of nodules in the throat is cancer. Malignant tumors are more common in the elderly. Although it may be an inflamed lymph node, the swelling may also be a tumor from a neighboring structure. In fact, it may even be a metastasis of a distant tumor.

Symptoms and alarm signals given by nodules in the neck

If you have a swelling in your neck, you should see a doctor for a checkup. It is very important to go through the necessary tests to obtain a correct diagnosis. However, in addition to medical tests, there are several signs that can give you indications about the nature of these nodules.

A soft, painful swelling generally indicates the presence of an infection. It tends to disappear after a while. In addition, lymphadenitis causes sensitivity of the lymph nodes.

If the swelling is hard, immobile and does not hurt, it could be a tumor. Tumors can cause other symptoms, such as aphonia (hoarseness) or difficulty swallowing. If you have a swelling in your throat that does not go away and causes the symptoms listed above, see a doctor immediately.

Swelling in the neck

Tests for diagnosis

There are many tests that can lead to a correct medical diagnosis. However, if the patient is young, the most likely cause of swelling in the neck is not a tumor. Also, these tests are not necessary if there are signs of an infection nearby. The specialist will assess the consistency of the lump in the throat and the presence or absence of pain.

Doctors usually require a complete blood count. I may also request chest x-rays. If there are warning signs or risk factors for cancer, more precise tests can be performed. These include biopsy, in which part of the node is extracted for examination.

In addition, doctors may require imaging tests, such as CT scans and MRIs. Ultrasound is also useful in some cases.


A swelling in the neck is generally caused by an enlarged lymph node. The most common cause is an infection nearby, which usually goes away on its own.

However, you should pay attention to other symptoms as well. If the lump in the throat is not painful and does not move, it could be a tumor. Go to the doctor to receive a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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