Symptoms And Treatments For Essential Tremor

Tremor of the upper and lower limbs is a symptom of several diseases. The most common movement disorder is essential tremor. In this article, you will find out everything you need to know about it!
Symptoms and treatments for essential tremor

The essential tremor is common. In fact, it is the most common movement disorder, being much more common than Parkinson’s disease. Statistically speaking, essential tremor is twenty times more common than Parkinson’s disease in adults. In the following, we will discuss the main symptoms and treatments for essential tremor.

The causes that lead to the appearance of the essential tremor

There are not enough scientific studies to determine the cause of the disease. Essential tremor is a benign condition that progresses slowly. However, it is known that the essential tremor is a change in the connections of the nervous system in the nuclei of movement.

The thalamus, the nigrostriatal tract and the cerebellum are parts of the nervous system responsible for regulating body movements. The scientific hypothesis is that the essential tremor causes some of these regions to undergo an abnormal change which, in the end, leads to the onset of involuntary movements.

The human nervous system

The existence of family cases, in which parents and children suffer from essential tremor, confirms the presence of a genetic component of the disorder. In fact, this condition is also called “family tremor.”

Symptoms of essential tremor

In addition to this distinctive symptom, namely upper limb tremor, here are the other symptoms of the condition:

  • Voice changes. Essential tremor can affect the larynx, altering the generation of voice in the vocal cords.
  • Head movements. It’s as if the person says “yes” or “no” with their head. However, the movement is involuntary.
  • Difficulties in undertaking activities in daily life. Sometimes, although the tremors are not obvious enough, the person realizes that he has difficulty grasping something, using a tool or writing.
Woman saying no to coffee

Treatments for essential tremor

In addition, some patients benefit from physical therapy and physiotherapy sessions aimed at improving muscle control, coordination and balance.

Regarding the use of drug treatment, the following treatments for essential tremor are widely used and supported by scientific evidence:

  • Propranolol. This is a beta-blocker. In fact, it is the most effective drug in reducing the symptoms of essential tremor. However, patients with heart disease should take this medicine with caution, especially if they have a history of blockage. In addition, the administration of this medicine is always done strictly under medical supervision.
  • Primidone. This is an anticonvulsant.
  • Antidepressants. Sometimes doctors advise patients to control the stress that could cause the disorder.
  • Anxiolytics. They can help manage stress and regulate sleep.
  • Botulinum toxin. Sometimes doctors recommend this injectable medicine for certain areas of the body. These are usually the head and hands.

Treatments of last resort for essential tremor

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