Symptoms Of Bone Metastases And Types Of Treatment

Bone metastases are a complication of advanced cancers. This problem is very serious, which is why it is important to know what you can do when it occurs.
Symptoms of bone metastases and types of treatment

In today’s article, we will talk about the symptoms of bone metastases and the types of treatment that patients have available.

Bone metastases occur as a result of the progression of certain types of cancer, being a serious complication that affects the bones. Basically, the neoplastic cells of a tumor from another organ migrate to a bone.

First, we need to clarify that bone metastases do not indicate the presence of primary bone cancer. In other words, this disease does not start in the bone tissues, but in another organ, such as the breasts or lungs.

Bone metastases signal that the disease has spread to the bones. In general, the most vulnerable regions are the spine and long bones. This is related to how blood and lymphatic circulation make it possible to drain fluids.

As soon as a neoplastic cell reaches a bone, it begins to reproduce. Bone metastases usually produce cells similar to those of bone tissue: osteoblasts and osteoclasts. These cells reproduce in excess, which is why the tissue suffers.

Then, the affected tissue is weakened due to osteoclasts or stiffened due to osteoblasts. Both effects are harmful.

Most cancers can metastasize, but this phenomenon is more common in breast and prostate cancer. As soon as the process begins, the patient begins to experience symptoms specific to both the primary tumor and the new ones that have formed.

Symptoms of bone metastases

Different types of bone metastases cause similar symptoms, unrelated to the tumors that led to their formation. Classical signs of bone metastases include:

  • Pain: This is the main symptom, but it does not have to be persistent. In some patients, the pain intensifies on movement, while others feel it all the time, including when resting. This can make treatment significantly more difficult.
  • Fractures: As mentioned earlier, bone metastases can weaken bones. A weak bone can break even with minimal effort. Cancer patients should be very careful to prevent fractures.
  • Hypercalcemia: The tumor may cause calcium to be released into the bloodstream. As it gets worse, more symptoms appear. For example, patients may experience constipation, loss of appetite and frequent urination. Lack of appetite and frequent urination can lead to dehydration.
  • Compressions: One of the locations where bone metastases occur most often is the spine. Injured vertebrae can shrink or overlap and change position. As a result, the nerves or spine may compress.
Patient with fractured hand talking to a doctor

Types of treatments for bone metastases

There are two approaches to treating bone metastases. You can opt for a localized treatment or a systemic one. The choice will be influenced by the initial cancer, the patient’s condition and the options available. Below, we will present both variants in detail.

Systemic treatments

  • Chemotherapy: Involves the use of drugs to disrupt certain processes in tumor cells. It is the most popular option.
  • Radiation therapy: Radiation produced by equipment penetrates the body and destroys cancer cells. The number of sessions and the radiation dose vary from one patient to another. It is usually very effective in controlling the pain associated with bone metastases.
  • Hormone therapy: Medications are used to block the action of certain hormones. This therapy is often used to treat breast or prostate cancer.
  • Immunotherapy: This also involves the use of drugs, but they emulate functions of the immune system.
  • Radiopharmaceuticals: In this case, radiation is emitted from inside the body, not with external equipment. Radiopharmaceuticals are injected into the patient’s body, circulate to bone metastases and then attack tumor cells.
Doctor explaining the symptoms of bone metastases to some patients

Localized treatments

  • Bisphosphates: Block the activity of osteoclasts, preventing them from destroying healthy bones.
  • Denosumab: Like bisphosphates, denosumab blocks the activity of osteoclasts. Its action is somewhat different, but the end result will be similar.
  • Vertebroplasty: If bone metastases affect the spine, you can choose to inject a fast-acting bone cement. This treatment can relieve the pain you experience.
  • Surgery: Last but not least, patients who meet certain conditions can opt for surgical treatment. If the metastases are accessible, the surgeon may try to remove them.

Do not underestimate the symptoms of bone metastases

The appearance of bone metastases is a serious complication of cancer. It is essential that patients benefit from the services of a team of specialists who can provide them with the best possible treatment. By considering all the options currently available, the quality of life of patients with this disease can be improved.

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