Symptoms Of Gastric Ulcer

To be healthy, the human body needs physical and emotional balance. But stress is one of the biggest enemies of health. It is the main cause of ulcers.
Symptoms of gastric ulcer

There are several reasons why a stomach ulcer can occur: foods that cause acidity, unhealthy eating habits, and external factors such as stress. Having a gastric ulcer is no longer a rarity today, when it is very easy to ignore healthy habits. But do you know the main symptoms of gastric ulcer?

Symptoms of gastric ulcer

It is not at all difficult to overlook the signs that our body shows us. Everyday stress, family or work obligations can distract us from the obvious changes that take place in our body.

If you let stress take over or if you don’t pay attention to what you eat or how fast you do it, then you are endangering your health.

Our body is a delicate mechanism that needs an emotional balance, but also a good physical condition. Did you know that the digestive system is most affected by stress and anxiety? It behaves like a second brain and can be easily affected by the factors that cause ulcers.

Gastric ulcer is a very serious condition that can have long-term effects. Why not pay more attention to the main symptoms of a gastric ulcer before it has a chance to develop?

1. Stomach pain

Localized stomach pains located in the stomach, especially between the sternum and the navel, should attract your attention. Do you know when these pains occur most often? When you have an empty stomach, most often between main meals. Pain appears as a burn for which an antacid medication is recommended. Such medications treat the symptoms at night or when you skip a meal.

2. Unusual pain

You may also have such symptoms sometimes. If they become chronic, the disease can get worse. Pay attention to what your body tells you. Be careful if:

  • You have gas or burp.
  • You have lost your appetite or lost weight.
  • You feel full after drinking liquids.
  •  Overwork or fatigue occurs every day.
  • You feel nauseous in the morning.

3. More advanced ulcer

If you suffer from a more advanced form of ulcer, there are some special symptoms. They sound the alarm and you need to see a doctor immediately.

  • Dark or bloody stools.
  • Daily feeling of vomiting or vomiting with blood.

Foods that relieve the most common symptoms of gastric ulcer

Artichoke to treat symptoms of gastric ulcer

We advise you to seek the advice of a nutritionist regarding the diet that may worsen the symptoms of gastric ulcer. Certain foods, such as salt, can cause high blood pressure or inflammation. In addition to drug treatment, we recommend that you adopt a diet suitable for stomach health.

Food recommendations

  • Avoid salt and sugar.
  • Avoid sweets and desserts (eg chocolate and caramel).
  • Replace white flour with whole wheat flour.
  • Avoid sweetened drinks.
  • Limit coffee consumption and avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid dairy products.
  • Avoid consuming organs such as the kidneys or heart.
  • Avoid spicy foods.

Foods that can be eaten when there are symptoms of gastric ulcer

Alkaline vegetables such as spinach, artichokes, endives, mushrooms, cauliflower, lettuce and zucchini are very good for the stomach. You can use oregano to season a healthy meal.

We recommend that you also consume mint tea, thyme, rhubarb, licorice and gentian. A cup of lukewarm tea after a meal, twice a day, will relieve your stomach pain. You can also add a drop of lemon juice. Although it contains citric acid, lemon is good for the body.

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