The Best Fruits For Treating Gastritis

Here is a list of fruits ideal for fighting gastritis in a natural and healthy way. 
The best fruits for treating gastritis

Gastritis has various causes, but most often it is caused by an inappropriate lifestyle. If you experience vomiting, back pain, bloating, or chronic fatigue, you should see a doctor to investigate and receive appropriate treatment. At the same time, we recommend the consumption of fruits to treat gastritis.

Today we come to your aid with a list of fruits that help fight gastritis and prevent pain caused by this condition. The benefits offered are due to a high level of fiber and nutrients.

1. Pears are among the best fruits for treating gastritis

Pears are among the best fruits for treating gastritis

Due to vitamins B1, B2, B3, A and C and fiber content, pears are among the most suitable fruits for treating gastritis. They regulate both the digestive and nervous systems.

2. Papaya stimulates digestion

Papaya is one of the healthiest and most beneficial fruits, due to its content of vitamins B1, B2, A and C. In addition, it is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, sulfur and potassium and very suitable for stimulating digestion.

At the same time, papaya maintains the health of the skin, hair and bones and helps the proper functioning of the immune system.

Cut a slice of papaya and mix it for a few minutes in a blender with skim yogurt. Enjoy this drink after breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s a real treat!

3. Bananas speed up digestion

Fruits for treating gastritis such as bananas

Banana is one of the fruits with the highest fiber content. It is low in fat and protein and is an excellent source of energy, speeds up digestion and has a mild laxative effect.

In addition, bananas are also rich in zinc, a mineral that helps fight hair loss, strengthening hair adornment.

If you want to eat these fruits to treat gastritis, opt for ripe bananas. The green ones are not tolerated by the stomach.

4. Coconut has a laxative effect

Coconut is appreciated for its high content of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, but also has a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal transit.

Like bananas, coconut is a mild laxative and has a detoxifying effect. If you feel heavy, we recommend that you drink a glass of coconut milk daily.

5. Peaches have a diuretic effect

Peaches on the fruit list for treating gastritis

These wonderful sweet fruits are very healthy, having a diuretic and laxative effect. Peaches contain vitamins A, C and E, which prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cataracts and cancer. They are rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Being easy to digest, peaches are beneficial for the liver and the entire digestive process,  being among the most suitable fruits for treating gastritis.

If you suffer from gastritis, you can also make an excellent drink from peach leaves:


  • 2 tablespoons peach leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water

Method of preparation

  • Put the leaves in water for a few minutes.
  • The obtained infusion is cooled and a cup is drunk two or three times a day.

6. Apples get rid of diarrhea

Due to the pectin content, apples, in contact with water in the stomach, create a gel with a protective role for the intestines. If you do not suffer from constipation, but diarrhea (because gastritis can manifest in two ways), these fruits help absorb fluids and solidify the stool.

The fruits listed above are very good for relieving the discomfort caused by gastritis. But you should not eat a single type of fruit. Change them daily so that you feel comfortable. Look for recipes that will stimulate your appetite and make you healthier.

So… what common fruits to eat?

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