The Main Causes Of Stomach Pain

The main causes of stomach pain

At some point in your life, you probably also faced this discomfort: stomach pain. But what are its causes? Emotions, poor digestion? There are many factors that can underlie this discomfort. In this article we will present some of the most common causes of stomach pain and we will also offer you some simple remedies to combat it.

Possible causes of stomach pain

Abdominal pain is more common than you think. In fact, researchers have found that at least 30% of people suffer from this type of pain, which, although it cannot be considered a disease, is still a disorder of the digestive system.

The intensity of the pain indicates the severity of the problem you are suffering from. However, if you experience these pains quite often and maybe some of the symptoms listed below, it is best to consult a doctor. Let’s take a look at the information below.

What are the main causes of stomach pain?

1. Emotions

Emotions can be the cause of stomach pain

Sometimes anxiety or stress can build up in the second brain, namely the stomach. Nerves are always more concentrated in this part of the body and can have negative effects on digestion, causing heartburn and even diarrhea.

Therefore, do not worry if you happen to face these problems from time to time, because they are only a result of stress. However, it is good to try to control your anxiety level to avoid an even more acute discomfort.

2. Intestinal gases

Certain foods or poor digestion can lead to the development of intestinal gas. They are located mainly in the abdominal cavity, just below the ribs. Gas can cause acute pain, especially when breathing deeply.

3. Heartburn

Causes of stomach pain such as heartburn

Gastric reflux and heartburn can be causes of stomach pain located in the upper part. The acids go upwards, which is why the pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the esophagus, which is above the digestive tract.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

Inflammation of the intestine can in turn cause stomach pain. This condition falls into the category called organic dyspepsia, which means that you suffer from a digestive disease.

If you have symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting or severe pain on a regular basis, then you must see a doctor.

5. Certain medications

Certain medications can be the cause of stomach pain

If you are taking iron supplements or if you have recently taken ibuprofen, you will most likely feel a stomach ache. These drugs cause mild heartburn that lasts for several hours. It’s nothing serious, but it’s pretty annoying.

6. Eating too fast

Remember, in order to digest food properly, you must chew it slowly to expose it to as much saliva as possible. This element is absolutely necessary to mix swallowed foods with those previously chewed. If you eat too fast, you will probably experience a stomach ache.

7. Ulcer

Ulcer on the list of causes of stomach pain

Does your stomach hurt when you eat certain foods? Especially if the food is very spicy or spicy? Do you vomit often? Do you ever notice that vomit also contains blood? If you answered yes to these questions, then you need to see a doctor urgently, because you may have an ulcer.

Remedies for stomach pain

Causes of stomach pain treated with ginger
  • Mint and anise teas after meals : these fluids are very good for digestion, relax muscles and relieve stomach pain. You can drink up to 3 cups a day.
  • Ginger root tea : this drink soothes stomach pain and improves digestion. Drink a cup after dinner; you will surely notice positive results.
  • Sage and chamomile : you’ve probably heard of the benefits of these plants for the stomach and intestines. Sage and chamomile have a sedative effect and relieve pain and inflammation. You can drink up to a liter a day to get rid of stomach problems.
  • A hot bath and stomach massage: nothing is more effective in relaxing stomach nerves and tension than a hot bath. After the bath, you can massage your abdomen with a little lavender or almond oil. Massage using circular motions and then apply a warm cloth. You will definitely feel better.
  • Chew the food well and eat slowly. Moreover, he did not eat much at a meal. Ideally, you should eat five smaller meals a day, the most consistent being breakfast and lunch. The lightest meal should be in the evening. Plus, don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids.

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