The Simplest Methods For Cleaning Pillows

One of the objects in the house that we use very often and for a long time are the pillows. But do you know how to clean them properly?
The simplest methods for cleaning pillows

Did you know that pillows need to be cleaned at least once a month? Many ignore this recommendation. But you need to take steps to prevent them from creating an ideal environment for the accumulation of bacteria and microorganisms that are harmful to health. For this purpose, in the following we present you four simple methods for cleaning pillows and some suggestions in this regard.

Many of us know that pillows and bedding need special care. In addition to daily ventilation, bedding should be washed at least once a week and properly maintained to prevent the accumulation of dust, among other things.

When it comes to pillows, many tend to wash only the pillowcases. Don’t pay attention to the pillows themselves. This is a huge mistake, because sometimes on the pillows accumulates a larger amount of dust than on the duvet or blanket.

In fact, when doors and windows are opened and closed, dust from the outside reaches the bedding. We ourselves take the dust to bed in the evening, when we go to bed. Bed linen should be washed as often as possible.

The simplest methods for cleaning pillows

In the following, we reveal four methods for cleaning pillows. This way, you will be able to clean them more often, without worrying all day, because it will not take you much time.

1. In the washing machine

Most pillows can be washed without problems in the washing machine. However, we recommend that you check the label. Then consider these suggestions:

  • Use liquid detergent, not powder detergent. This will prevent the detergent residue from remaining inside the pillows.
  • Put other clothes with light materials in the washing machine together with the pillows. The car should not be filled to the brim, but if you put too few clothes, this can affect the car.
  • Rinse the pillows twice to clean the detergent residue.

After the machine has finished washing, let the pillows dry in the sun for a day. This step is very important. If the pillows do not dry well inside, the bacteria accumulate easily and the pillow is damaged.

2. Quick wash

Methods for cleaning cushions with a quick wash

Pillow fillings do not withstand a lot of washing. In fact, only the materials covering the pillows should be washed monthly, if this is possible. Some pillows are made in such a way that you can remove them by unbuttoning or opening a zipper, especially in the case of pillows with latex filling or memory foam.

The advantage of these pillows is that you can wash them together with the duvet during a quick wash program. This way, your pillows will be impeccable and you will be able to eliminate dust mites in no time.

3. Baking soda and vinegar for deep cleansing

The next item on our list of methods for cleaning pillows is the use of natural ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar. If you need extra help with the next pillow wash, use baking soda and vinegar. Here are the steps you need to follow for this type of washing:

  • Mix one cup of baking soda with half a cup of white vinegar.
  • Put the pillows in the washing machine.
  • When the pillows soak in water, add the mixture.
  • Choose the option to continue washing. After washing, dry the pillows in the sun for a day.

In addition to disinfecting the pillows, this mixture will give them shine. Baking soda and vinegar are two ingredients with a whitening effect and are an extra help in cleaning pillows. You can get the same results if you replace baking soda and vinegar with a combination of borax and detergent.

4. Hydrogen peroxide to remove stains

It is surprising, but hydrogen peroxide can also be useful for cleaning and disinfecting pillows. However, unlike the other methods presented above, it has some limitations.

Hydrogen peroxide can only be used on white pillows. As it has a whitening effect, we do not recommend using it on darker colored pillows, as it will leave marks that can damage the fabric. It can also affect their color.

Woman discovering methods for cleaning pillows

This method is especially useful for pillow stains. To remove them, apply a little hydrogen peroxide to the area where the stain is.

Despite the fact that it can only be used to remove stains, hydrogen peroxide remains a very useful option. Pillows are often stained with creams, cosmetics, etc. Maybe many of us have noticed yellow spots on pillows that come from sweat. This simple method of cleaning pillows is ideal for sweat stains.

We all spend at least 7-8 hours a day in bed, so bedding should be cleaned as often as possible. In conclusion, as the pillows are close to the airways for at least a third of the day, cleaning and disinfecting the pillows is not a task that should be neglected. Do not hesitate to try these simple methods for cleaning pillows to have an impeccably clean bedroom!

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