The Thicker Your Armor, The More Fragile You Will Be

The problem with armor is that they end up isolating us from the environment. And when we want to go out, we feel too fragile to deal with those fears.
The thicker your armor, the more fragile you will be

By hiding the pain, emotions are reduced to silence, but also any possibility of asking for help stagnates. Thus, the thicker the armor you cover yourself with, the more fragile you will be.

Sometimes disappointments lead us to isolate ourselves from the environment and avoid certain relationships. Thus, in this attempt to protect, what we do then is to encapsulate the discomfort. We know we are suffering, although we do not want to share this…

The thicker your armor, the more fragile you will be

Fragility is often confused with weakness. However, there are different nuances.

Strong and brave woman


For example, if we look at a glass with cracks, we will see that it is deteriorating more and more. This is also the case for those who take refuge in armor. Eventually, they become even more fragile because they are trapped inside the wall they built themselves.

These people end up looking weak because they collapse. They may have wounds that remain open. And although they try to hide them, they continue to do harm… However, they are stronger than you think. Because these protagonists trusted in spite of betrayals, they continued to love in spite of disappointments and they continued to believe even when they were aware of the lie.

Armor was an alternative to staying upright, to hide that pain they can’t stand or don’t want to communicate.

Appearances are misleading

When we wear such armor, others cannot see us as we are. They have only a superficial idea, that image with which we dress and cover what hurts us or makes us suffer.

As a protection mechanism, it helps us to avoid situations that we fear or do not want to expose ourselves to again. Through this attitude we repress the emotions that would allow us to release some of the discomfort we feel.

Man with his hand on his chest


We are scared of what we feel, we refuse to see ourselves so fragile… Thus, the layer with which we mask this discomfort gradually becomes thicker. The dissonance between what we would like to manifest and what we really externalize increases.

Maybe we’re acting unconscious. But all these are masks that I put on to avoid solving problems. How long will we last inside this armor? What seems to cover us now is what makes the pain greater.

If the armor is thick, you will be more fragile

That frame in which you close yourself in order to survive is also the weight that presses on you. The cage catches you and doesn’t let you be you. For this reason, there are other consequences. Escaping, ignoring, sneaking in and protecting are simple shortcuts, but not genuine solutions to the difficulties we face.

You will be more fragile if you lock yourself in armor


If we take refuge in armor, we will lose the opportunity to put ourselves to the test, to reaffirm ourselves and to check if we have the capacity to face the challenge. Although spending time away from reflecting and recovering is healthy, it is not a permanent option. Sooner or later, we will want to feel again, to live those risks that we had distanced ourselves from.

Woman with veil on her head

Getting out of the armor

Have you ever been in armor? Maybe this is a learning process, but it doesn’t have to be an eternal choice.

Running away and hiding what is happening is a barrier to your own emotions. How about letting them come out? Maybe we will be surprised by the result…

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