The Truth About Skin Care And Health

There are several myths about skin care and health that can adversely affect skin health. There are also certain things you may not know about his protection. Read on to find out more useful information!
The truth about skin care and health

The truth about skin care and health

Is hydration really necessary?

This widespread opinion is real. Drinking water is really necessary for the proper functioning and balance of the whole body. The skin must also be hydrated and properly nourished.

However, advice on consuming 2 liters (about 8 glasses) of water a day to maintain healthy skin is a myth. Yes, you should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters (6-8 glasses) of water daily. However, this is only the average. The water you need varies depending on various factors. Exercise, room temperature or diet can increase your need for water. Also, the water you drink does not directly affect the condition of the skin.

Woman hydrating herself by drinking water
Water consumption is necessary to maintain healthy skin. However, it is not at all true that everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day. Some need more water and others need less, depending on many factors.

Can the sun cure acne?

This is a widespread myth. In fact, most people believe that going to the beach can improve acne, but this is not the case at all.

First of all, you need to know that most of the medical treatments used for acne are photosensitizing. This means that if you take any acne medicine, then exposure to the sun could cause a negative skin reaction. Also, if you expose yourself to the sun without adequate protection, you can get sunburn and sun spots. The burns will make your acne worse.

Similarly, if you have recent scars left by pimples, sunbathing will make them even more visible. Therefore, try to avoid exposure to the strongest and brightest hours of sunshine and always use adequate sunscreen.

Is the skin constantly regenerating?

This is true. The skin is an organ that has its own renewal cycle. In fact, our cells are constantly regenerating in the deepest layer. From there, they migrate to the epidermis (the most superficial layer of the skin) and replace the old cells.

Woman who knows the truth about skin care
The skin has its own renewal cycle. However, the process changes with age and lifestyle.

Can skin exfoliation eliminate cellulite?

Many women believe that exfoliating their thighs and buttocks can help eliminate cellulite. (Cellulite occurs as a result of the accumulation of fat in the deeper layers of the skin.) Unfortunately, this is a myth. In reality, all you get by exfoliating is stimulating the most superficial layer of the epidermis. For this reason, you can’t get rid of cellulite just by exfoliating.

Instead, the most important thing you need to do to reduce cellulite is to eat a proper diet and exercise regularly. Consult your doctor and personal trainer if this is your goal.

Does stress affect skin health?

Yes it is true. According to a study published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, constant exposure to stress affects both the health of the skin and the well-being of the whole body. In fact, the study reveals that there are changes and dermatological diseases that are influenced by stress.

Psoriasis, for example, is a chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of red spots with whitish scales. In addition, it can cause pain and stinging in the affected areas. Psoriasis is aggravated by stress.

Another similar scenario occurs in the case of alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system leads to hair loss in certain areas. It is related to anxiety and stress.

Woman fallen in thought
Constant exposure to stressful situations can affect your skin’s health. In fact, stress is associated with many skin conditions.

The truth about skin care and its health: final thoughts

These are just a few examples of myths and truths about skin care. It is important to know what is true and what is not. Consult your dermatologist if you have questions about or skin problems.

There are also some simple ways to take care of your entire skin. Stay hydrated and get enough rest, as this will improve the functioning of your whole body. In addition, you already know that 12-16 hours of sun exposure can be harmful to the skin and risky to health. Ideally, always use an appropriate method of skin care, such as sunscreen.

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