The World’s First Head Transplant Will Be Performed Soon

After the first candidate opted for more traditional methods, the name of the second patient scheduled to receive the world’s first head transplant has not yet been revealed. No matter who it is, the procedure it will undergo will certainly be an extraordinary breakthrough in medicine. 
The first head transplant in the world will be performed soon

The world’s first head transplant will be performed in China in less than 10 months. This information was revealed by neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero during an interview with the German publication  Ooom

In addition to controversy and moral considerations (many in number), this revolutionary surgery keeps scientists on their toes.

A few months ago, the name of the first patient to undergo a head transplant was revealed: Valery Spiridonov. In the meantime, however, the young man decided to refuse the offer. It is now known that the first person to become the patient of “Frankenstein” of the 21st century is a Chinese man, whose name we do not yet know. In the coming months, he will be the first man in the world to undergo a head transplant.

A surgeon’s dream and a scientific challenge

The first head transplant performed by neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero

Sergio Canavero is a member of the Advanced Neuromodulation Group in Turin, Italy. As he explained in the interview, his dream as a scientist is to become the first doctor to perform a successful head transplant. “Successful” is the key word in this context. So far, all animal testing has failed.

Dr. Canavero explained that in the past, technology was not advanced enough for such an intervention. But now, there are fewer obstacles at this level, more qualified specialists and more sophisticated means. All these elements increase the chances of success.

Although many scientists oppose his approach, this modern-day “Frankenstein” is based in part on the work of the only person who transplanted a primate’s head to another body. This success of the ’70s belongs to Dr. Robert White. Unfortunately, he could not connect the most important and vital part: the nervous system.

In 2013, neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero wrote an article explaining the viability of a head transplant today ,  based on pertinent arguments. One of them would be the fact that today we benefit from the technology necessary to establish an adequate connection with the spine.

It seems that the first head transplant is a project with high chances of success. 

The first head transplant: a reality in the near future?

If nothing changes, the first head transplant will be performed in 2018. According to Dr. Canavero, the success of this procedure would have several implications:

  • Head transplantation could become a way to restore the mobility of paraplegic people. 
  • The patient who will receive the “new body” will be protected from diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and many other serious diseases.

However, moral considerations and ethical and religious controversies follow everywhere the person responsible for fulfilling this extraordinary dream in the scientific field.

A new patient, a new date and a new location of the intervention

The first head transplant in the world at a hospital in China

Until now, Valery Spiridonov was the valuable “0” patient. The man was suffering from spinal muscular atrophy and had little chance of survival. But even after two years of working with Dr. Canavero, the latter could not promise him what he wanted most: the guarantee that he would go again, that he would have a normal life, or at least that he would survive the operation. .

Therefore, the young Russian decided to undergo a much more “conservative” intervention. This will allow him to live his remaining days with less pain and more dignity.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sergio Canavero has found another patient with severe locomotor problems to continue his ambitious project.

The country that came to his aid and was chosen for the transplant is China. At a recent press conference, the specialists announced that the revolutionary intervention will be carried out in a medical unit in China specially prepared for this procedure. The exact date is not yet known, but it seems that the intervention will last at least 72 hours.

So far, all aspects and elements are promising. For example, the risk of rejection is zero because the brain is a neutral organ, unlike the heart, liver or kidneys. Fortunately, the transplant will be performed by the best team of specialists with the best means.

Hopes are high. We can only wait for the outcome of this project. As amazing, controversial and stressful as it is, the world’s first successful head transplant could revolutionize the world of science and medicine.

In the meantime, we are waiting for new information… 

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