Things That Happen When The Kidneys Don’t Work Properly

There are many theories that associate hearing problems with kidney disease.
Things that happen when the kidneys don't work properly

The kidneys are vital organs that, among other things, keep the blood clean, so it is important to pay attention to signs that may indicate that they are not working properly.

In this article we review what can happen to you when you suffer from kidney disease. Some of the symptoms below will surprise you!

Indications that the kidneys are not working properly

You sweat too much or too little

The kidneys and the urinary tract have the role of controlling and balancing the amount of water in the body. The fact that you sweat too much or too little can be related to kidney health.

In general, the most worried in this case are the individuals who face profuse sweating, because this is an embarrassing problem. In addition to the natural remedies we could use to combat it, it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the kidneys.

You lack energy

It is normal to feel tired after a physical or mental effort. However, it is not normal for this condition to last too long or to have no justification.

Fatigue is associated with poor kidney and liver function. Spring and autumn are ideal times for a detoxification treatment of the body.

Lack of energy can indicate kidney problems

You suffer from water retention

If the kidneys do not work properly, it is possible that in some areas of the body there is a lack of fluids (dryness, dehydration), and in others an excess. Water retention is visible in the legs, abdomen and eyes.

This imbalance is a clear indication that the kidneys need to be better cared for.

You have hearing problems

It may seem surprising, but there are many theories that associate hearing problems and even certain types of deafness with kidney dysfunction.

This is information of particular interest to people who have suffered temporary hearing loss and should take certain supplements to improve kidney function.

Your back hurts

If you put your palms with your fingers spread around your waist, your kidneys are located just above your thumbs. Many people think that their place is in the lower abdomen, but in reality they are positioned much higher, close to the dorsal area.

When you feel pain or a feeling of discomfort in this region, you may have inflamed kidneys. Try to apply warm compresses or resort to certain natural remedies.

Back pain can indicate kidney problems

Your knees hurt

The kidneys are associated with joint health and especially knee health. If you have knee pain, it is recommended that, in addition to local treatment, you also remedy kidney problems. In this way you will also facilitate the healing of the knees.

You have a craving for salty foods

When you feel like certain tastes or foods, you may have a deficiency in your body.

The craving for salty foods suggests that your kidneys need more attention. This symptom is usually associated with a lack of energy that the body tries to regain as quickly as possible. In the long run this can be harmful if you do not discover its cause.

Salt cravings indicate kidney problems

How can you take better care of your kidneys?

If you want to treat this problem naturally, it is recommended that you consult a specialist to develop a personalized plan.

If the symptoms are not severe, you do not use medication and you do not suffer from any disease, it is advisable to follow a detoxifying and therapeutic treatment at least once a year. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Drink teas that improve kidney function.
  • Consume onion soup to reduce kidney inflammation.
  • Drink vegetable juices to eliminate toxins.
  • Apply warm compresses on the affected areas.
  • Apply patches on the areas of the body that correspond to these organs.

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