Tips For Having Long And Beautiful Hair

Argan oil can nourish both dry and oily hair, giving shine and nourishing hair from roots to tips.
Tips for having long and beautiful hair

Long and beautiful hair is one of the most important attributes that any woman can boast of. It increases our femininity and confidence in our own strengths and gives us that special something we dream of having with everything.

Long hair has been in vogue for some time, but how much does this style suit you? After all, when it comes to letting our hair grow, we are not all the same. Each of us has our own hair type, which requires a certain amount of nourishing substances to grow and be beautiful and healthy.

Many women who dream of having long hair resort to chemical treatments. However, they almost always do more harm than good and can greatly increase the fragility of our hair. Another mistake many of us make is going to the stylist. In this case the result is often a shorter hair that grows much harder.

What do I have to do to have long hair?

If you want to have long, healthy and shiny hair, the key is to use natural treatments and masks designed especially for your hair type. Be careful what products you choose, don’t limit yourself to just a simple skin test to see if they hurt you or not. Avoid allergic reactions that could damage your hair.

Nowadays, there are many natural treatments to have long and healthy hair, but few really work. In this article we will present you five tips and treatments that will help you get the long hair you dream of. Read on and remember!

5 tips to have long and beautiful hair

Make yourself a bean dye and white wine!


  • Half a cup of red beans (225 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • Half a cup of white wine (250 ml)


Boil red beans in water. As soon as the water turns completely red, add the white wine and let the mixture cool for 15 minutes. Apply the dye obtained on your hair and leave it to act for another 15 minutes.

You can put on a shower cap to make sure that the dye fits well in your hair. As the 15 minutes have passed, wash your hair as usual and apply conditioner. Apply this treatment once a week and the results will not be long in coming.

Prepare a shampoo with birth control pills and rosemary oil!

Rosemary helps you have long hair

Although this combination will probably surprise you, it is very effective and will not cost you too much to prepare.


  • 1 bottle of birth control pills
  • Shampoo
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary oil (18 ml)


Grind 11 birth control pills until you get a powder. Put this powder in a regular shampoo tube and add a tablespoon of rosemary oil. Mix well until the powder dissolves, and then wash your head with the special shampoo obtained and do not forget to use conditioner. The results will start to appear after a week.

Make yourself an onion shampoo!

And this natural treatment will probably seem very strange to you, but we assure you that it works great and will help you get the long hair you want.


  • 1 red onion
  • Shampoo


Cut a red onion into slices, add these slices to your regular shampoo and let them ferment for eight days. Use this special shampoo every time you wash your head and then apply conditioner. Onions promote hair growth and will make it softer and silkier.

Prepare a cocktail of essential oils!

Almonds help you have long hair


  • 1-2 tablespoons argan oil (18-36 ml)
  • 1-2 tablespoons coconut oil (18-36 ml)
  • 1-2 tablespoons almond oil (18-36 ml)


Put the three ingredients above in a bowl, mix well and then apply the mixture obtained at the roots, massaging the scalp with your fingertips for five minutes.

Put a shower cap on your head to catch the heat (which will activate the essential oils) and let the mixture act for 10-15 minutes. After this time has elapsed, rinse well with water and wash your head with your usual shampoo (don’t forget to use conditioner).

Apply this treatment every day for a week — you will get the best results if you apply it immediately before bed. If you make this treatment a monthly routine, you will have long, silky hair like a fish!

Do not cut your hair very often!

Usually, hair grows only one centimeter every month. You may have been told that if you cut your hair once a month, then your hair will grow faster, but this is just a myth.

In fact, when you cut your hair, you probably cut more hair than it grew in that month, so avoid this habit and you will get better results.

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